Page 18 - From Lines to Online: Automating Quezon City’s Business Permitting Process
P. 18


                 Getting Occupational (Working) Permits is now faster and easier. It used to be such a burden to get this permit.
                 Every January, workers in Quezon City would line up as early as 4 a.m. at City Hall just to be ahead and to make
                 sure that they will be fortunate enough to beat the cut-off for the day.

                 Lining up is just the start of the process that often lasts a whole day. The process is very tedious – lining up to get
                 an order of payment, lining up to pay, lining up to have a photo taken, lining up again to receive the actual
                 occupational permit together with hundreds, sometimes hundreds of applicants cramped at the basement of
                 Civic Center Building A. A single paper would take a whole day to process, forcing the worker to miss his or her
                 work, and losing a day’s pay.

                 “More often than not, we would encounter angry or irate applicants, who are mostly daily wage earners who
                 need the Occupational Permit to have their employment contracts renewed or find a job,” said Mr. Africa, the
                 Acting Chief of the Occupational Permit Unit.

                 The hours of waiting for the permit to be released would sometimes stretch into the evening depending on the
                 speed of the network and the computers. Only 2 counters used to be available for processing an average of 500
                 applications per day.

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