Page 21 - From Lines to Online: Automating Quezon City’s Business Permitting Process
P. 21

One  of  those  who  experienced  the  BPLD's              Before the actual registration, Joyce didn't want to
                  convenience is top leadership and management   line up thereby exposing herself to the virus.
                  consultant Joyce Talag. At the height of the   "Instead of taking my chances by queuing,
                  pandemic, she launched her sole proprietor     announcements on the QC Government website
                  business called L.E.A.D. to Thrive Leadership and   and Facebook page enabled me to book my
                  Management  Consultancy.  This  is  geared  towards   appointment online with relative ease. An email
                  honing the leadership skills of established or   confirmation arrived immediately. It contained
                  aspiring entrepreneurs, young and mid-career   reminders   on   documentary   requirements,
                  professionals, to high potential talents and   which eliminated the possibility of coming to my
                  next-generation leaders.                       appointment with missing documents."

                  Since Joyce is opening her business and applying   Since QC had already begun implementing a
                  for a Mayor's Permit during the pandemic, she had   Unified Business Permit Application (UBPA),
                  some initial hesitations about government service.   business owners like Joyce no longer had to
                  In fact, she said, “Government offices are notorious   secure  individual  permits  from  different  offices.
                  for bad service and with the restrictions posed by   All approvals were handled by the same office.
                  the COVID pandemic, one would expect services to
                  get worse.”                                    “Instead  of  waiting  for  the  process  to  be
                                                                 completed,  I  received  an  email  the  following
                  But according to Joyce, she was pleasantly     day  that  informed  me  about  the  status  of  my
                  surprised  with  her  positive  experience  with  the   application,” Joyce said.
                  BPLD. "My experience at the QC Business
                  One-Stop-Shop showed otherwise and proved that   The ease of experience impressed Joyce as she saw
                  there is hope in reforming the bureaucracy."   the characteristics of good service design. The
                                                                 registration   process,   she   said,   is   aligned
                                                                 with the QC Business Permits and Licensing
                                                                 Department's mandate of providing “effective
                                                                 systems, procedures, and practices in the issuance
                                                                 and renewal of business permits.”

                                                                 “The Business One-Stop-Shop enabled the city
                                                                 government  to  effectively  fulfill  its  mission
                                                                 and make its value felt by its constituents
                                                                 even in times of crisis," Joyce explained.
                                                                 "User-friendliness and customer welfare are put
                                                                 in  mind  even  before  and  after.  There  is
                                                                 also  continuous  process  improvement  being

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