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The publishing project Medio Pan y un Libro at Enrique Olaya
Herrera school, was created almost as a wonderful chance. By 2010,
during the celebration of the 200 Anniversary of Colombian
Independence, the school teaching staff wrote a series of essays on
the 200 Anniversary issue. Teachers Claudio Ramirez Angarita and
Germán Giraldodid a highly valuable task gathering all those essays
which would become the basis for the first non-profit publication
issued by Enrique Olaya Herrera School.
Henceforth, other relevant events happened. First, the foundation of
the School Young Writers' club in which primary and secondary
students participated. Second, the Pedagogical Journeys to the
regions of San Agustín, Santander and Boyacá which gave birth to a
new publishing of students' writings supported by the school
publishing firm. Also important is the fact that in 2011, the
projectMedio Pan y un Librowas awarded first place in the Annual
Educational forum organized by Secretaría de Educación Distrital
SED in Bogotá-Colombia.
The published books have been spread all over in different urban and
national libraries, as well as in some international ones (Cuba,
Venezuela, China and Russia, etc.), and they have also been
presented and referenced in diverse local and international events.
For instance, it was a very satisfactory experience our participation in
the International Colloquium of Philosophy of America Latina,
where we were able to share our project with the academic
community from all around the American continent. Several teachers
of the project were able to attend this important international event,
representing honorably our school and our country.
As the school principal, I have to claim that our project team, highly
qualified and deeply in love of reading and writing, have given
sustainability to this proposal. They have defended it from adversity
and daily happenings and routines different from academic interests
and values. However, step by step our project has gained the
necessary spaces and deserved support, and it surely will keep on
growing in spite of the misunderstandings, which certainly become