Page 90 - GuardII+ Series 4208 Platform PD User Manual
P. 90


                                    Figure 7-17 Connect SSC Tester to LV Synchronization
                        Once  the  alternate  source  is  connected  to  the  synchronization  input,  use  IAM  to  run
                     measurements on each PD input.
                        •  If the measurements fail due to lack of synchronization, this indicates a problem with
                            the Carrier Board; contact Iris Power LP Technical Support for assistance.
                                     If the measurements succeeded with the alternate synchronization source,
                                     we  have  proven  that  the  monitor  is  working;  the  problem  is  with  the
                                     external reference source.
                                     If Iris Power LP did not supply the external reference hardware for this
                                     installation, then troubleshooting this source may not fall within Iris Power
                                     LP’s scope of responsibility.

                        Use a voltmeter to measure the voltage and frequency at the end of the BNC cable from
                     the external reference.  Verify that the signal voltage and frequency are correct; this can vary
                     from installation to installation.
                        •  If the signal voltage and/or frequency are not correct, this indicates a problem with the
                            external reference source; contact Iris Power LP Technical Support for assistance
                        The remaining possible cause for the synchronization problems is electrical noise on the
                     synchronization  signal.    While  GuardII+  has  built-in  filters  for  eliminating  synchronization
                     noise, there may be cases where there is noise that the filter does not remove.  At this point,
                     you will need to contact Iris Power LP Technical Support, but additional information will be
                        •  Examine  the  synchronization  signal  using  an  oscilloscope.    Once  the  traces  are
                            acquired, send copies of them to Iris Power LP Technical Support.

              7.3.5.  AC Power-Based Synchronization

                        The likely cause of an ac synchronization problem when using the ac power as a source
                     is the GuardII+ hardware; either the AC Termination Board or the Carrier Board, but it could
                     be  noise  on  the  ac  power  source.    While  GuardII+  has  built-in  filters  for  eliminating
                     synchronization noise, there may be cases where there is noise that the filter does not remove.

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