Page 98 - GuardII+ Series 4208 Platform PD User Manual
P. 98


                        For  those  that  have  worked  with  the  older  GuardII+  continuous  monitor,  the  Modbus
                     registers are the same for the GuardII+ Series 4208 Platform with two exceptions:
                        •  There are new data registers containing overall monitor status; refer to Section 8.2.2.

                        •  The functionality of the Measurement Status and Measurement Quality addresses in
                            the older GuardII+ have been combined into a single Measurement Status address.
                            Refer to Section 8.3.1 for details on how to use the new Measurement Status data.

              8.2.2.  GuardII+ Overall Status Modbus Data
                        These  Modbus  addresses  are  common  to  all  GuardII+  monitors  regardless  of  the
                     monitoring technologies that are installed.  This data is updated after every diagnostic cycle
                     and when the Alert state changes.  For a monitoring technology that is not installed, the Alert
                     status of that technology will always be reported as ‘no Alert’.

                   Address     Alert                           Notes
                   64000       Year                            The year of the last update
                                                                   Expressed in 4 digits (i.e., 2019)
                   64001       Month                           The month of the last update
                                                                   1 = January … 12 = December
                   64002       Day                             The day of the month of the last update
                   64003       Hour                            The hour of the last update
                                                                   Expressed in 24-hour mode (0-23)
                   64004       Minute                          The minute of the last update
                   64005       Second                          The second of the last update
                   64006       Diagnostic Status               The current diagnostic state of the monitor.
                                                                   0 = OK
                                                                   1 = Error detected
                   64007       Alert Relay State               The current state of the Alert Relay.
                                                                   0 = The relay is open
                                                                   1 = The relay is closed
                   64008       Alert Status                    The overall Alert state of the monitor.
                                                                   0 = No Alert detected
                                                                   1 = One or more monitoring technologies
                                                                   are reporting an Alert
                                                                   2 = One of the Alert Test Modes are
                                                                   currently active.
                   64009       Partial Discharge Alert Status   The current Partial Discharge Alert state.
                                                                   0 = No Alert detected
                                                                   1 = PD Alert detected
                   64010       Endwinding Vibration Alert      The current Endwinding Vibration Alert state.
                                   Status                          0 = No Alert detected
                                                                   1 = EV Alert detected

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