P. 77
Part 2 - Academic Manual
teacher. It excludes work assignments in b) research, c) extension, d) production and
e) others/ administrative designations. The regular TL of faculty in Ifugao State
University is 18 units. In general, TL is to be used in the computation of “teaching
overload/ honoraria” in compliance with the General Provisions of the General
Appropriations Act, FY 2015 in Sec. 55, p. 1535 where it was stipulated that
appropriations for honoraria may only be paid to (a) Teaching personnel of the
DepEd, TESDA, SUCs and other educational institutions, engaged in actual classroom
teaching, whose teaching load is outside of the regular office hours or in excess of the
regular load. Teaching Overload (TO) - Are actual teaching load in excess of the 18 units that will
be paid honoraria subject to existing policies thereof and subject further to availability
of funds. The maximum TO that maybe compensated is 6 full units. In cases where
funds are not sufficient, only a percentage of TO maybe paid as determined by the
available fund.
1.8.2. General Policies All faculty members holding permanent positions/ items must first be given regular
WL for the semester before additional teachers (under Contract of Service) will be
hired. Faculty members must be informed of their tentative teaching loads (TL) at least one
(1) week before the start of classes. If there are changes in the schedule, these shall
be communicated to the faculty member concerned at least twenty-four (24) hours
before the start of classes. The Job Description of faculty members in Ifugao State University (IFSU) is distributed
according to academic ranks in the four areas of instruction, research, extension, and
production following the matrix in Table 3:
Table 3. Percentage Distribution of Job Function vis-à-vis Major Thrusts of the University
Working Percentage (%)
Functions Assistant Associate University
Instructor Professor
Professor Professor Professor
Instruction 80 70 50 35 30
Research 10 10 20 40 45
Extension 5* 10* 10* 10* 10*
Production 5* 10* 5* 5*
Others 5* 5* 10* 10* 10* As provided in CMO 46, s. 2012, higher education institutions (HEIs) categorized as
University for which IFSU is, must be strong in specialized instruction and research.
Thus, WLs in these areas must be mandatory (in boldface fonts) while those in
extension, production and other assignments will be considered optional (in asterisk).
Mandatory functions must be complied by every faculty while optional functions will
be sources of other WL to complete the required regular minimum WL of 18.