P. 73
Part 2 - Academic Manual
production services to other Departments/Colleges within the University with the
university’s commitment to reciprocate the favor. Adjunct Faculty
These are professionals/ specialists who are invited to teach in the
university’s extension and transnational/ crossbred programs. It may also be
given to those who act as cooperating teachers who are directly involved in the
supervision of students performing their off-campus practice teaching. The
University may provide incentives/ honoraria to the adjunct faculty member
based on existing policies or through access to the university’s staff
development, instructional materials or financial assistance. Professor Emeritus
This is a retired faculty member or administrator who holds the rank of at
least Full Professor at the University upon his/her retirement and is given the title
in recognition of exceptional competence in his/her field of specialization. Proof
of exceptional competence are recognition received from high level award giving
bodies for his professional and scientific works, expertise being shared and
appreciated by clients through his lectures, publications or patented works. He
also manifest undiminished interest and dedication in continuing his professional
work that will give honour, prestige and recognition to the university. The grant
of the honour must be approved by the Board of Regents upon the endorsement
of the Academic Council/ University President.
1.5. Promotion and Advancement
1.5.1. General Guidelines
A faculty member shall be promoted/advanced to a higher faculty rank/sub-rank on the
basis of the extent to which he/she meets the specific requirements and/or standards as set
forth for the higher position applied for. IFSU strictly adheres to the promotion system
embodied in NBC 461, previous and future similar issuance from the Department of Budget and
1.5.2. Bases for Promotion and Advancement Common Criteria for Evaluation (CCE). There shall be a quantitative evaluation of the
educational qualification, experience and length of service, and the professional
development, achievement, and honors of every faculty member. Qualitative Contribution for Evaluation (QCE). This is a qualitative evaluation of a
faculty in four functional areas: Instruction, Research, Extension and Production.
1.5.3. Definition of Terms
For purposes of implementation of the NBC 461, the following terms are herein
defined: Advancement refers to the upgrading of the academic rank of a faculty member from
one sub-rank to a higher sub-rank within a rank and accompanied by an increase in
salary in accordance with the provisions of the Salary Standardization Law. The Board
of Regents approves advancement and subsequently issues a Notice of Salary
Adjustment to the faculty member. Promotion refers to the upgrading of the academic rank of a faculty member from a
lower rank to a higher rank, for example, from Instructor to Assistant Professor,
Associate Professor to Professor etc. and accompanied by an increase in salary in
accordance with the provisions of the Salary Standardization Act. A promotion is
approved by the Board of Regents (BOR) and an Appointment and Notice of Salary
Adjustment is subsequently issued to the faculty member.