P. 71

Part 2 - Academic Manual

                                         Sample application:

                                         A faculty under COS who handles seven (7) subjects x 3 units = 21 units
                                         plus one approved research study = 3 units will have a total WL of 24 and a
                                         salary of Instructor I rate computed per day of actual service.

                                      COS faculty must have a mandatory minimum load in
                                                          Instruction of 21 units as stated in Table 1 with optional
                                                          load coming from either Research, Extension, Production
                                                          or others such as designation to complete the 24 unit WL
                                                          required for Instructor 1 rate.
                                      COS faculty who have WL that is less than 24 units but
                                                          more  than  9  units  are  still  considered  as  full-time
                                                          contractual  faculty  and  will  be  given  salary  that  is
                                                          prorated using the WL 24 unit Instructor 1 rate.
                                      WL in excess of 30 units will be treated as compensatory
                                                          overtime credits (COC).
                                      The preparation of workload must follow the distribution
                                                          of duties and functions in Table 1 above and in Table 6 -
                                                          Functions as sources of WL credit units.
                                      The Deans/Campus Directors must, within ten (10) days
                                                          after  the  official  start  of  classes,  transmit  the  WL  of
                                                          faculty to be hired under COS to the VPAA for review and
                                                          approval. The VPAA subsequently transmits, on or before
                                                          the  end  of  the  2nd  week  after  classes  started,  to  the
                                                          Director  for  Administrative  Services  or  the  HRMO  the
                                                          approved faculty WL as basis for the preparation of the
                                                          appointment  contracts.  Appointment  contracts  must
                                                          specifically state the conditions of employment to include
                                                          the  daily  salary  rate  of  the  appointee.  The  Director  for
                                                          Administrative  Services/  HRMO  must  release  a  duly
                                                          signed appointment contract of faculty under COS on or
                                                          before  the  end  of  three  (3)  weeks  after  the  start  of
                                      In the case of Clinical Instructors (CIs) hired as full-time
                                                          contractual  faculty  in  the  Health  Science  Program,  they
                                                          must  still  meet  the  required  WL  herein.  However,  the
                                                          source may come from actual subject load (e.g. 6 units)
                                                          and  actual  RLE  load  (18  units  or  hours/  week)  to  meet
                                                          the required minimum WL of 24. Any excess RLE duties/
                                                          time will be paid the rate per hour of RLE.

                           Part-Time Contractual Faculty Members
                                    These are faculty hired to teach part-time by virtue of their
                                                        field of specialization or expertise that the existing pool of
                                                        faculty in the university cannot address. They are to teach a
                                                        maximum  of  9  units  (3  subjects  of  3  units  each)  hence
                                                        cannot  qualify  them  as  full-time  contractual  faculty.  They
                                                        may report only during the time they are to handle actual
                                                        teaching assignment plus at least one (1) hour consultation
                                                        time  with  their  students  in  the  campus.  They  may  also

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