P. 70

Part 2 - Academic Manual

                                  pursuant to the vision-mission of the University. The classification of academic ranks
                                  of  full  time  faculty  members  is  based  primarily  on  the  Common  Criteria  for
                                  Evaluation (CCE) and the Qualitative Criteria Evaluation (QCE) of State Universities
                                  and Colleges (SUCs) as per NBC 461 and future DBM issuances.
                                         The  faculty  member  may  be  classified  as:  1)  Instruction-based  and  2)
                                  Research-based faculty.
                           Instruction-based Faculty – Are those engage in full-time teaching with
                                              a minimum of 18 units workload (WL) in a semester (see Table 3a on
                                              page 65)
                           Research-based Faculty – Are those who opted, applied and approved
                                              to focus more on research activities with a minimum of four university
                                              approved researches per semester. Thus, his/her researches are given
                                              12 equivalent units in his/her WL (See Table 3b in page 13). Externally
                                              funded  researches  are  included  provided  they  are  presented  and
                                              approved  by  the  University  Research  Council  (URC).  Thus,  research
                                              based  faculty  member  must  teach  a  minimum  of  6  units  (i.e.  2
                                              subjects  of  3  units  each)  to  meet  the  required  minimum  WL  of  18
                                         Overload/Excess  Load  –  additional  subjects  assigned  to  either  instruction-
                                based or research-based faculty in excess of 18 unit’s actual teaching load shall be
                                credited as teaching overload.

                    Non-Regular Faculty Members – Non-regular faculty members are those hired to
                                    teach for a specific period of time under Contract of Service (COS) appointment,
                                    where there is no employer-employee relationship. Non-regular faculty members
                                    are classified as follows:
                           Full-time Contractual Faculty Members
                                      A  full-time  contractual  faculty  is  one  with  a  minimum
                                                          workload of 24 units and is to report eight (8) hours per
                                                          day or forty (40) hours per week and may handle classes
                                                          in the graduate and undergraduate levels. He/She will be
                                                          paid based on the following WL:
                                                                   ▪  24-27 WL = Instructor 1
                                                                   ▪  28-30 WL = Instructor 2

                                      The  WL  must  be  prepared  following  the  distribution  of
                                                          duties and functions in Table 1 below:

                                    Table 1. Distribution of duties of full-time contractual (COS) faculty
                                      Functions        Workload Distribution (Units)

                                                 Instructor I (step 1)  Instructor II (step 1)
                                      Instruction       21                  21

                                      Research           3*                 6*

                                      Extension          *                   *
                                      Production         *                   *

                                        Others           *                   *
                                        TOTAL            24                 27

                                                          IFSU Code
   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75