P. 69

Part 2 - Academic Manual

                                      Eligibility:  Required  eligibility  in  their  respective  degree
                                                          (e.g. LET for Education graduates, Licensure Examination
                                                          for  Agriculturists  for  Agriculture  graduates,  etc).  For
                                                          courses  without  specific  eligibility  such  as  BS  Computer
                                                          Science  or  BS  Information  Technology  at  least  a
                                                          Professional Civil Service Eligibility is required.
                                      Experience: Work experience related to the field of study/
                                                          specialization for which the applicants are hired to teach
                                                          and  or  experiences  that  will  make  the  applicant  an
                                                          efficient  and  effective  teacher.  The  required  years  of
                                                          experience  is  to  be  determined  by  the  University
                                                          Personnel  Selection  Board  approved  by  the  University
                                      Training:  Appropriate  training  related  to  the  field  of
                                                          specialization  or  that  which  will  make  the  applicant  an
                                                          effective and efficient teacher.
                                      Special  Skills/  Qualifications:  Special  skills,  eligibility  and
                                                          specialization  may  be  imposed  on  positions/  required  of
                                                          applicants  with  specific  requirements  (faculty  in  the
                                                          midwifery  must  be  registered  midwife,  faculty  in
                                                          programs  with  ladderized  curriculum  in  tandem  with
                                                          TESDA  programs  must  have  the  necessary  national
                                                          Certificate (NC) requirement).

                 Lecturer and Contractual Faculty Members
                                         A  lecturer  is  hired  to  teach  an  area  of  specialization  and  to  be  paid  on
                                  honorarium basis while a contractual faculty is hired to teach a specific subject in a
                                  specific  time  and  is  paid  from  university  income  or  any  appropriate  fund  source.
                                  Appointments therein must strictly follow the Policies and Guidelines for Contract of
                                  Service  as  per  CSC  Memorandum  Circular  No.  17-02  on  individual  Contract  of
                                  Service/Job Order.

                    1.4.2.  Discipline and Termination/Separation (Please refer to item on SPMS procedures)
                 Transfer and Resignation
                                         A faculty member who opts to transfer or resign must secure a clearance
                                  from the following offices: College, Chief Librarian, Accountant, Registrar, and other
                                  units concerned. While any faculty member can opt to transfer or resign, this must
                                  be  approved  by  the  head  of  agency  and  upon  the  recommendation  of  the
                                  immediate supervisor.

                    1.4.3.  Re-assignment
                                  This is a movement of an employee across the organizational structure within the
                           same department or agency, which does not involve a reduction in rank, status or salary.
                           The head of agency is empowered to re-assign a faculty member to another workplace or
                           detail him/her to another kind of work in the exigency of the service. Reassignment may
                           follow the process on the Revised Rules on Reassignment as per CSC Memorandum Circular
                           No. 02-05

                     1.4.4.  Types of Faculty Members
                  Regular  (Full-time) Faculty Member (Holder of permanent appointment)
                                         These are faculty members who are hired on a full-time basis and whose
                                  main  functions  include  instruction,  research,  extension,  and  production  services

                                                          IFSU Code
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