P. 78

Part 2 - Academic Manual

                 Broken down into units of WL, the job description in Table 3 can be shown in Table
                                 4.  Faculty  members  without  any  administrative  designation  may  either  be
                                 categorized  as  Instruction-based  faculty  to  be  given  WL  in  Table  4a  or  Research-
                                 based Faculty with WL schedule shown in Table 4b below:

                            Table 4a. Distribution of job functions for Instruction-based faculty by units

                                                              Workload Distribution (Units)
                              Functions                    Assistant   Associate                University
                                               Instructor                           Professor
                                                           Professor   Professor                Professor

                         Instruction              15          12           9           6           5

                         Research                 1            2           4           7           8

                         Extension                1*          2*          2*           2*          3*
                         Production               *           1*          2*           1*          1*

                         Others                   1*          .1*         1*           2*          2*

                             Table4b. Distribution of job functions for Research-based faculty by units

                                                                Workload Distribution (Units)
                               Functions                      Assistant   Associate              University
                                                Instructor                            Professor
                                                              Professor   Professor              Professor

                         Instruction                6            6            3           3          3

                         Research                  12           12           12          12         12
                         Extension                  *            *           1*          2*         2*

                         Production                 *            *           1*           *          *

                         Others                     *            *           1*          1*         1*

                 In  application,  an  instruction-based  faculty  with  a  rank  of  Instructor  must  have
                                 (mandatory) 15 units WL in instruction and 1 unit in research. The remaining 2 units
                                 maybe (optional) a WL in extension (1) or others (1) or from either one of them or
                                 any other WL unit in the 5 areas of functions. A research-based professor must have
                                 (mandatory) 12 units in research function and 3 units in instruction function with the
                                 remaining  3  units  taken  either  from  the  following  options:  extension,  production,
                                 others or in instruction and research as well to complete the 18 unit minimum WL.
                                 Immediate Supervisors (Deans or Campus Directors) must ensure in the distribution
                                 of WL that all the mandated functions (instruction, research, extension& production)
                                 that IFSU is expected to work on are properly addressed.
                 Faculty members with administrative designation shall be assigned WL following the
                                 distribution in Table 5 below.

                                                          IFSU Code
   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83