P. 83
Part 2 - Academic Manual Other functions such as those in Table 7 are only to be added “on top of the 18 units
minimum required WL for permanent faculty and 24 units WL for full-time contractual
faculty. These services can only be converted into COCs to be used as CTOs by the
Table 7. Functions as sources of excess WL for conversion to COCs and used as CTOs
A. Co-curricular Activities – maximum of 3 credit units:
University Paper Adviser 1.2
University organization adviser (CSSG, VLPCC, etc.) 1.5
College/Dept./Section Paper Adviser 1.0
Club, Local Organization Adviser (Department/ College/ Campus) 1.0
Homeroom/ Classroom Adviser, Lab. High School 1.0
Editor of IFSU Research Journal (CHED Recognized) 3.0
Editor of Campus/ College Journal/Paper 1.5
Coach/Trainer, Referee in Sports:
- National 1.0
- Regional 0.75
- Local/Institutional 0.5
B. Accreditation
1. Accreditation Area Coordinator 3
2. Members, Accreditation Area 1
Note: Accreditation work will only be credited when there are programs undergoing accreditation for
the current semester or school year.
C. Others
1. Standing committees (not to exceed 3 units)
-University Umbrella Committees (Functional)
Chairman 2
Member 1
-Faculty Evaluation (NBC)
a. Coordinator 3
c. Member 1
2. Ad-Hoc Committees for duration of 1 year
-University level – 1 per committee (max. of 3) 1 - 3
-Campus/University level 0.5 – 2