P. 84

Part 2 - Academic Manual

              Other  work  assignments  such  as  advising  (Class,  thesis,  sports,  clubs,  organizations,
                               etc.)  shall  not  be  credited  in  NBC  461  if  they  are  part  of  the  regular  workload  of  a
                               faculty or vice versa.
              Members of a permanent or standing University Working Committees will only be given
                               the  equivalent  credit  upon  submission  of  work  output  duly  noted  by  the  designating
                               officer.  The  maximum  points  for  committee  membership  shall  not  exceed  three  (3)
              Deans in coordination with there registrar’s office must see to it that faculty workload
                               assignments  are  equitably  and  fairly  distributed  such  that  it  will  result  to  cost  saving
                               without prejudice to the quality of instruction.
              Workload in the tertiary level shall be by semester/summer term
              For  Summer  Term,  faculty  members  with  designations  that  entitle/  require  them  to
                               report  during  summer  under  VSL  status  (Designations  with  WL  equivalent  credit  of  6
                               units, e.g. Department Chairpersons to Vice Presidents) may teach in the graduate and
                               undergraduate  programs  and  be  paid  honoraria  as  per  DBM  rate  subject  to  fund
                               availability and provided the following conditions are met:
                       There is a formal request/ teaching load assignment from the College Dean
                                         for the faculty to teach.
                       The  faculty  seeks  permission  from  and  is  granted  the  same  by  the
                                         designating authority.
                       Must only teach a maximum of 1 subject in the graduate program and/ or 1
                                         subject in the undergraduate program.
              A standard Faculty Workload Form will be released by the VPAA for all faculty members
                               to use. It is collated and submitted by the Campus Directors to the Office of the VPAA
                               one month after the start of classes.

             1.9.   The Official Working Hours (OWH):
                    1.9.1.  The Official Working Hours for all faculty members during the regular semesters shall be 40
                           hours per week.
                    1.9.2.  Faculty members must divide their working hour in the university according to the functions
                           and WL assignments they have per semester. Heads of offices where a faculty is to render
                           service as per his/her WL must initial the Daily Time Records (DTR) before it is signed by
                           the head of office where the faculty serves most of his/her time/ function.
                    1.9.3.  Faculty doing research, extension works and designated functions where they need to go
                           out of campus may leave the campus by filing duly approved travel orders or locator slips.

             1.10.  General Policies on Overload/ Underload
                    1.10.1.  Faculty  overloads  during  regular  semesters  can  be  either  Teaching  Overload  (TO)  or
                           Workload Overload (WO). TO refers to any additional actual teaching load over and above
                           the regular  TL  of  18 units of actual teaching while  WO refers to any additional workload
                           over and above the regular WL of 18 units.
                    1.10.2.  Compensating  TOs  –  Teaching  Overload  up  to  6  units/hours  per  week  or  108  hours  per
                           semester  can  be  paid  their  monetary  value  as  honorarium  following  DBM  prescribed
                           computation and subject to the availability of funds for the purpose.
                                  Said  computation  follows  the  following  formula  (source:  Manual  on  Position
                           Classification and Compensation, DBM. Chapt. 7 p. 12-13):

                                                          IFSU Code
   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89