P. 88

Part 2 - Academic Manual

                    2.1.4.  Special Class/es
                                  Special class refers to subjects offered upon request by students justified by the
                           following conditions:
                  That the subject is not offered in the semester;
                  That the student need to finish the subject to be able to graduate at the end of the
                                  semester  or  to  regularize  his  status  to  be  able  to  graduate  in  due  time  (for
                                  transferee students  or those students with  failing grades in past semesters). This
                                  must be certified by the campus registrar.
                  The  request  must  come  with  a  letter  from  a  faculty  who  is  willing  to  teach  the
                                  subject requested even without remuneration and with the load not included as a
                                  part of his/her WL.

                    2.1.5.  First Day of Classes
                                 During the first day of classes, faculty members collect the class cards(in campuses
                          where there is no computerized enrolment system).  The class cards serve as evidence that
                          the students are officially enrolled in the class.
                                 The Computerized class list, issued by the Office of the Registrar, provides the name
                          of students, regular or irregular, officially enrolled in a course. Faculty members should get
                          their class lists from their College Deans or Department Heads on the first day of classes.
                                 Moreover, faculty members should orient the students about the objectives, contents
                          and requirements of the course, and explain the bases for evaluating students’ performance.
                          It is recommended that the students be provided with a copy of the course syllabus.

                    2.1.6   Class Meetings and Dismissal of Classes
                                  Punctuality should be observed at all times in the conduct of classes. If the class
                          should start at  8:00 A.M., the  faculty member should be in the classroom at  exactly  8:00
                          A.M. Classes should be dismissed at least five (5) minutes before the end of each period to
                          allow students to move and transfer to their next class.

                    2.1.7   Remedial Classes
                                  Faculty  members  who  miss  their  classes  due  to  official  functions  should  conduct
                          make-up  activities/classes.  Make-up  activities/classes  should  be  for  both  extra  and  regular
                          teaching assignments. Request forms for make-up classes are available at the Dean’s Office.

                    2.1.8     Substitution
                                  In  case  of  absence  by  a  faculty  member,  the  College  Dean  or  Department  Head
                          assigns  another  faculty  member  to  substitute.  Priority  must  be  given  to  a  faculty  member
                          who is competent to teach the course.  However, the faculty member is yet to complete the
                          maximum number of extra teaching load and whose schedule does not conflict with that of
                          the substitute class. Payment for the substitute faculty member should be in accordance with
                          his/her hourly rate.

                    2.1.9   Suspension of Classes
                                  Classes shall not be dismissed or suspended without authority from the President of
                          the University. If Typhoon Signal Number Three (3) has been raised, classes are suspended.
                          In case of a sudden suspension of classes as declared by the Office of the President of the
                          University, faculty members should stay in their workplace until further instruction has been

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