P. 89
Part 2 - Academic Manual
2.2. Examinations and Quizzes
2.2.1. Schedule of Examinations
The schedule for the mid-term and final examination is prepared by the Office of
the Registrar and approved by the Office of the Vice-President for Academic Affairs.
Examination days are usually indicated in the University Calendar. Faculty members should
administer their mid-term and final examinations following the schedule. Any deviation in
the schedule should be communicated to the Dean.
2.2.2. Types of Examinations
Faculty members enjoy the full academic freedom of deciding the type of
examination to be given to their students. It is suggested that the examinations assess the
significant learning outcomes covered in the course particularly the Higher Order Thinking
Skills (HOTS) such as creative and critical thinking skills. Performance-based examination
should be scored by using rubrics.
2.2.3. Preparation and Reproduction of Examination Questions
The individual faculty member prepares his/her own examination and submits to the
chairperson for checking then to the Dean for approval before it is reproduced.
Reproduction of test questions shall be the sole responsibility of the teacher using the
resources of the department or the university. The university/ department may collect
examination fees from students to cover the actual cost of reproducing and administering
the examinations.
2.2.4. Examination Proctors and Correctors
Faculty members should act as proctors and correctors of the examinations given to
their respective classes. Staff and students maybe allowed as proctors but under the
responsibility of the subject teacher.
2.2.5. Reporting Cases of Cheating and other Forms of Dishonesty
Any form of dishonesty and/or deceit, especially cheating during quizzes,
examination or any class work, shall be subject to penalty as provided for in the Student
Manual. Faculty members should report suspected cheaters to the College Dean who
coordinates with the Director of the Office of Student Services and Development (OSSD) for
an investigation and the corresponding appropriate sanction.
2.3. Grading System
2.3.1. Guidelines At the beginning of the semester, faculty members should inform their students on
the criteria for grading. This must have been included in the syllabus of the subject
prepared by the faculty and approved by the Dean. Some aspects that can be
considered for grading are: periodic examinations; term papers; projects; oral
report/presentation; and class participation. The following guidelines should be
observed in preparing reports on rating: Grading Sheets should be computerized via excel, duly signed and submitted by the
concerned faculty in triplicate to the Program Chairperson. Only duly registered students should be given ratings and this can be double
checked through the official class list.
2.3.2. The IFSU Grading System The faculty is to compute the grades of students based on key performance indicators
set and properly explained before the class at the beginning of the semester. Students must be informed of their performance on said key performance indicators.