P. 85

Part 2 - Academic Manual

                      For undergraduate program
                                           AR            AR
                           PHTR = --------T = -------- x 1.25 = 0.000781 AR
                                           W             1600

                           AR = annual salary rate of each faculty member proposed to be paid honoraria
                           W = Total teaching hours (40hrs/week multiplied by 40 weeks or 1600 hrs.)
                           T = 1.25 or 125% of the faculty member’s remuneration for services in excess of 6 hours of
                           actual teaching per day but not more than 2 hours

                      For graduate program
                         For faculty members with Bachelor’s degrees and with special vocational preparation
                           PHTR = --------- x 1.5 = 0.0012 AR

                         For faculty members with Master’s degrees
                           PHTR = 0.0014 AR

                         For faculty members with Doctorate Degrees
                           PHTR = 0.0015 AR

                    1.10.3.  Compensating  WO  -  Workload  Overload  can  be  converted  to  Compensatory  Overtime
                           Credits  (COCs)  to  be  used  as  Compensatory-Time-Off  (CTO)  for  faculty  absences  or
                           undertimes  subject  to  existing  university  and  CSC  guidelines.COC  refers  to  the  accrued
                           number of hours an employee earns as a result of services rendered beyond regular working
                           hours, and/or those rendered in Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays or scheduled days off without
                           the  benefit  of  overtime  pay.  CTO  refers  to  the  number  of  hour  or  days  an  employee  is
                           excused from reporting for weeks with full pay and benefits. It is a non-monetary benefit
                           provided to an employee in lieu of overtime pay for COCs gained.
                    1.10.4.  COC’s may be converted into Service Credits when warranted by CSC rules and regulations.
                           These can also be used as CTOs by the faculty member to compensate his/her absences or
                           undertimes subject to the recommendation of their immediate supervisor/College Dean and
                           the  approval  of  the  Head  of  Agency/  Director  for  Administrative  Servcies.  CTOs  earned
                           during  the  1   semester  will  be  used  January  to  June  of  the  following  year  while  those
                           earned during 2  semester may be used from July to December the ensuing school year.
                    1.10.5.  All permanent faculty members must not have Under Load (UL) - UL refers to a WL that is
                           below the regular WL requirement of 18 units. As such, In cases where a faculty incur UL,
                           the circumstances behind it must be investigated by the campus director and or the Vice
                           President for Academic Affairs and may do the following:
                   Recommend  for the deduction of proportionate amount  from the salary of the
                                     faculty if the  cause of the UL is the  faculty’s  fault such as refusing to accept/
                                     teach  subject  loads  assigned  to  him/her,  not  having  any  WL  in  research,
                                     extension, production or others as defined by his/ her job description and this
                                     academic manual or any  other unsanctioned actions  such as swapping subject
                                     loads with another faculty member without proper approval.
                   Give  a  maximum  of  “satisfactory  rating”  in  their  performance  rating  for  the
                                     period in relation to above issuance.
                   Rank low the faculty in the Performance Based Bonus ranking of employees with
                                     a maximum of “good” rating.

                                                          IFSU Code
   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90