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GANDHI 1869-1948

                                                              surprise would have far-rea-  founded the Phoenix
                                       Many politicians also thought  ching consequences. While   Settlement in Natal in 1904
                                       that Gandhi's plan for rural  holding a first-class train tic-  based on the ideals of commu-
                                       self-sufficiency offering a  ket, he was ejected from a rail-  nal living whereby all per-
                                       modest standard of living  way carriage by a white guard   sons, irrespective of their race,
                                       based on rudimentary produc-  in Pietermaritzburg for travel-  nationality, religion, social
                                       tion processes was obsolete.  ling in a white's only compart-  standing or occupation, would
                                       Already, in 1947 at the end of  ment and left shivering on the   receive an equal wage --
                                       colonial rule, India inherited  platform. This was the start of   which for that time was quite
                                       an economy that was one of  a twenty-one year period that   revolutionary. The residents
                                       the poorest in the developing  saw Gandhi using the law, the   also maintained a printing
                                       world, with industrial deve-  media, community action and   press used to publish Gandhi's
                                       lopment stalled, agriculture  the force of non-violence stra-  newspaper, Indian opinion.
                                       unable to feed a rapidly gro-  tegies to deal with political   Although he travelled widely,
               Economists predict that by
                                       wing population, with one of  injustices in South Africa.   from this moment on he deli-
               2020, India will be among the
                                       the world's lowest life expec-                  berately lived in humble
               leading economies in the
                                       tancies and widespread illite-  For ten years, he earned his   poverty: "I have to reduce
               world. If he had been alive
                                       racy. The Congress Party in  living as a successful lawyer   myself to the level of the poo-
               today, it is very likely that
                                       particular favoured large-scale  in the Natal Province of South   rest of the poor."
               Gandhi would have viewed
                                       industrialization likely to  Africa. He founded the Natal
               this forecast with dismay. It is
                                       create a higher standard of  Indian Congress Party in 1894   In 1909, Gandhi spent three
               also very probable that he
                                       living for all. While Gandhi's  and defended the cause of   months in prison for leading a
               would have been less than
                                       plan was criticized for taking  Indian settlers. He came to the   passive resistance campaign.
               enthusiastic to find that his
                                       India backwards, by his words  aid of the British by organi-  While there, he read books by
               portrait appears on all Indian
                                       and his deeds he would set his  zing an ambulance corps   Leo Tolstoy, the Russian wri-
                                       stamp on Indian politics in the  during the South African War   ter and reformer, whose ideas
                                       first half of the twentieth cen-  (1899-1902). However, the   renouncing force as a means
               Gandhi rejected the Western
                                       tury. After overcoming count-  sight of wounded and whip-  of opposition were akin to
               concept of progress. His idea
                                       less social, economic and  ped Zulus, mercilessly aban-  Gandhi's own thoughts. He
               of Utopia was where each
                                       political hurdles, Gandhi  doned by their British perse-  entered into correspondence
               Indian citizen lived in a small   played a key role in the intel-  cutors, so appalled him that he   with the Russian, who consi-
               village republic producing its
                                       lectual ferment that would  turned full circle from his   dered Gandhi's ideas of
               own goods. He wanted the
                                       liberate his country.   admiration for all things   worldwide importance. He
               rural population of India to be
                                                              British to celebrating the indi-  was influenced by Tolstoy's
               socially and politically self-
                                       Gandhi was born in the port of  genous and the ethnic. He   own ideas on the right of the
               sufficient so as to be able to
                                       Porbandar which is nowadays  resuscitated the culture of the   individual to live in peace and
               compete with capitalism. He
                                       in the Indian state of Gujarat.  colonized and the fullness of   freedom and his rejection of
               believed that, before the per-
                                       His father and grandfather had  Indian resistance against the   all forms of oppression.
               iod of British colonial rule,
                                       both been chief ministers in  British.          Finding the term "passive
               Indian villages had been inde-
                                       the princely state of                           resistance"
               pendent and self-reliant and it
                                       Kathiawar. His mother was a  During these years he studied   Gandhi created the word
               was his task to restore them to
                                       deeply religious person and  the Upanishads (the ancient   satyagraha, meaning "non-
               this position. The colonial
                                       had a strong influence on his  philosophical texts of   violence".
               education system in India
                                       upbringing. When he was 12  Hinduism), the Koran and the
               taught skills and knowledge
                                       years old (!), he was married  Bible. A book by John Ruskin,   In 1910 he set up the Tolstoy
               that reinforced the position of
                                       to Kasturbai, who was the  Unto this last, would affect   Farm near Johannesburg,
               the upper castes, while handi-
                                       same age and by whom he had  him profoundly. Gandhi read   consisting of 1,100 acres of
               crafts had traditionally been   four children   three messages into Ruskin's   land with water supplied from
               the monopoly of specific cas-
                                                              essay: (a) a good economy   two wells and a spring. Adults
               tes in the lowest strata of
                                       Gandhi trained to be a lawyer  should be for the benefit of all;   as well as children engaged in
               society. So, Gandhi stood the
                                       in England and for two years  (b) the earnings of a manual   planting, pruning, harvesting
               education system on its head
                                       practised, with little success,  worker (e.g. a barber) have the   and forest-clearing. The
               by insisting that productive
                                       in India. Then, an invitation  same value as those of a men-  emphasis was upon simple
               handicrafts be taught to all
                                       out of the blue saw him leave  tal worker (e.g. a lawyer); and   communal living where indi-
               children at school and the
                                       for South Africa in May 1893  (c)  the life of a labourer or   vidual self-interests had to be
               goods produced should be
                                       to work in a legal practice. He  craftsman is the only life   curbed for the good of all. On
               sold to pay for the children's
                                       soon received an unexpected  worth living. He decided   the farm he lived as a vegeta-
               education. This idea never
                                       reprimand when a magistrate  immediately to change his   rian and learned to make lea-
               prospered as a number of
                                       would not allow him to wear a  own way of life in accordance   ther sandals.
               Indian politicians considered
                                       turban in the courtroom. But  with Ruskin's teaching. He
               it tantamount to child labour.
                                       his second and even worse  gave up his law practice and   Gandhi had written a book in
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