Page 44 - DIVA_1_2011
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International Year of Chemistry:
Our life, Our future
r exhibits and practical experi- encourage public understan- many organisations to promote
IYC as a worldwide celebra-
ments will explore how che- ding of the subject.
mical research is critical for tion. Events are planned to
studying the world's most The idea for an international focus on the achievements of
vexing problems of food, year was first discussed by chemistry and its contribution
energy, IUPAC in 2006 following
water, to mankind.
transportation and more. It which a task group developed
will involve a range of inter- a plan to secure the designation Our life, Our future
active entertaining and educa- by UNESCO
of an
tional activities for all ages.
The unifying theme of
Chemistry - our life, our future
Chemistry. The Organisation International
has been chosen as the theme
International Year of endorsed the proposal for pro- Chemistry is intended to reach
for InternationalYear of
Chemistry clamation by the United across the globe with opportu-
Chemistry in 2011. The year
Nations. In December 2008 nities for public participation at
celebrates the centenary in
Founded in 1919, the the 63rd UN General the local, regional and national
1911 of the granting of the International Union of Pure Assembly adopted the resolu- level with a calendar of events
Nobel Prize in Chemistry to and Applied Chemistry tion proclaiming 2011 as to suit all ages on all conti-
Marie Curie (1867-1934) for
(JUPAC) is an organisation of International Year of nents. A vast programme in
her discovery of radium and
chemists from industry and Chemistry. many countries is hoped to sti-
polonium. She died as a result
academia. It is recognised as mulate an interest in Chemistry
of the radiation to which she
the worldwide authority on The opening event was held on - our life, our future.
had been exposed. The year
chemical nomenclature, termi- 27 and 28 January 2011 at
2011 also marks the 100th
nology, standardised methods UNESCO headquarters in Ita Marguet
anniversary of the founding of
of measuring atomic weights Paris in the presence of an
the International Association
and more. It has been proactive international gathering inclu- Note: Acknowledgement is
of Chemical Societies.
in establishing a wide range of ding Nobel Prize Chemistry given to sources used in this
conferences and projects desi- laureates. The UN organisation text. It follows texts by author
1YC 2011 will emphasise that
gned to promote and stimulate UNESCO and IUPAC are on International Year of
chemistry is a creative science
modern developments in che- designated as the principal Physics (2005) and
essential for sustainability and
mistry. Another key focus of partners for International Year International Year of
improvements to our way of
the organisation is to improve of Chemistry. They are suppor- Astronomy (2009).
life. Activities such as lectures,
chemistry education and ted by official sponsors and
Palais des Nations
Office des Nations Unies a Genève
Lancement de visites thématiques au mois de mai
Le Service des visites du Palais des Nations diversifie son offre avec une nouvelle visite thématique sur Ihistoire de la Soclété des
Nations et son impact sur le mandat, Ia structure et les activités des Nations Unies aujourdhui.
La visite thématique comprend une visite du musée de la Soclété des Nations ainsi que d'autres Ileux des du Palais des Nations.
La visite dure 1h30 et aura lieu les 19 et 26 mai eta 14h30, en francais, au prix de CHF 18.-
Les personnes intéressées sont priées de sinscrire a ladresse suivante: ou dappeler le 022 917 48 9
42 1 2011 Diva