Page 43 - DIVA_1_2011
P. 43


                               Interview with Geena Davis, actress and founder of the
                                                 Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media

            On 8 March 2011           Louise", and "The
            Academy Award-win-        Accidental Tourist", for
            ning actress and advo-    which she won the
            cate Geena Davis was      1988 Academy Award
            one of the main spea-     for Best Supporting
            kers during a special     Actress -- an Oscar. In
            event in New York orga-   2005, she won the
            nized by the United       Golden Globe Award
            Nations Office for        for Best Actress -
            Partnerships and the      Television
                                      Drama for her role in
                                      "Commander in Chief".
            Forum: "Investing in      Ms Davis works close-
                                      ly with the United
            Entrepreneurship:         Nations' effort to chan-
            Solutions to Addressing   ge the way media
            the MDG-3".               represent women and
                                      girls, to encourage the
            The event emphasized      media to present and
            the benefit of partners-  investigate issues of
            hips between the United   grave importance to
            Nations Organization,     women, and to use a
            governments, the priva-   "gender" lens when
            te sector and civil socie-  reporting. As the foun-
            ty, and highlights key    der of the non-profit
            examples of what can      Geena Davis Institute
                                      on Gender in Media
            through working toge-     (GDIGM) and its pro-   ting women.             present, and we have data
            ther. The programme,      gramming arm -- "See  Six years ago, when I started   that we have been able to
            opened by United          Jane" -- Ms Davis brings   to watch TV with my daugh-  bring to the decision-makers
            Nations 	                                                                in the industry who are
                                      her media expertise to  ter, I realized that in shows
            General Ban Ki-moon,      advocate for gender    and cartoons for children   making these programmes
            featured leaders from     equality and women's  there is a big gender dispari-  and movies and share it with
            the United Nations, glo-  empowerment.           ty. Nobody seemed to notice   them. What is exciting for us
            bal philanthropy and                             and that's the reason why I   is the impact it seems to
            private enterprise spea-  We had the opportunity  stared to get involved to   have. They are really surpri-
            king on the crucial role   of meeting Geena Davis  change it. I felt that if the   sed and they did not realize
            of public/private part-   in New York, at the UN   first thing children see is   how narrow the portrait of
            nerships in advancing     headquarters, where  imbalance and portraying a   female characters was, or
            gender equality and       she kindly answered our  character in such a poor   frankly how few there were
            women's empowerment.      questions              light, they are going to take   in the worlds that they are
                                                             that in unconsciously and it   creating -- how little female
            Who has not heard         Q: You are a famous    will affect their future lives.   presence there was. They
            about Geena Davis         Oscar award-winning    So this is basically why I got   have been very responsive
            the famous award-win-     actress. Why did you  involved.                and eager to make changes.
            fling actress? What per-  start this institute?                          We feel that when we do our
            haps you did not know                            Q: What do you consi-   next update, on the twenty-
            is that she is also a film   I have always been very  der as being your most   five years of research, we
            producer, writer, former   interested in women's  successful project?    will finally see a little move.
            fashion model, not to     empowerment, advocating                        I think we will have plenty
                        a woman
            mention 	                                        We have now sponsored the   of evidence that this will
                                      for girls. I've been involved
            who wanted to make a      with girls' sports and getting   largest amount of research   happen.
            difference! She is per-   more women involved in   on gender and media ever
            haps best known for her   politics, getting elected to   done. It covers a twenty-year   Celiha de Lavarenne
            roles in "Thelma and      office and in general boos-   span from 1990 to the
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