Page 44 - DIVA_7_2004_No.16
P. 44

Nostalgia in Pamekasan

                                     I always wanted to do a photo-  place where sunlight seldom   only a handful of rickety chairs,
                                     reportage on a place that clings   reached the worn-out pave-  a television-set and a young
                                     to its traditional values and   ment, because of the giant   man, who pondered for a very
                                     resists modern development.   waringin-trees that surrounded   long time before not answering
                                     For that reason, I spent, over a   the square. Only a small part of   my question if there was a room
                                     period of four years, almost ten   the square, on a corner where   available. He disappeared, to
                                     months in a small village on the   two streets met, was always in   return some twenty endless
                                     remote and little known   the sun. On that spot stood the   minutes later and produced a
                                     Indonesian island of Madura,.   hotel, seen from some distance   key of what he announced to be
                                     Although situated on a stones   it was a bright-white building.   the best room in the hotel. The
                                     throw from Java, the island has   The contrast with the surroun-  room wasn't really best, but it
                                     a quite distinctive culture. The   ding shadows was so strong,   was large. Very large! The room
                                     Madurese cling very much to   that the building seemed to be   was enormous and there were
                                     their traditional way of life,   glowing, a brightness, almost   five beds in it. Those beds must
                                     which is not an easy one on this   painful to the eyes. A closer   have been as old as the paint
                                     dry and overpopulated piece of   look learned that the white   on the outside wall and they
                                     land. They depend for their live-  paint must have been applied   were certainly in the same
                                     lihood on a sole crop, tobacco,   in a grey and misty past. The   state. The middle of the bed-
                                     and along the coast on the   hotel was grubby and falling to   springs almost touched the
                                     catch from a rapidly overfished   pieces. It also was the only   floor and they were covered
                                     sea. The Madurese are devote   hotel in town. I had been trave-  with something looking like
                                     Muslims; Jakarta may be the   ling over the island through a   either a thick bed sheet or a
                                     official capital, but the laws   long, hot day without finding a   very thin mattress. On top of
                                     from Mecca are the main gui-  hotel along the way. In those   that lay a bed sheet in an obs-
                                     delines in their life.    days, Madura was not yet tou-  cure shade of grey adorned
                                     To my surprise I found an unex-  ched by tourism and lacked the   with an almost artistic pattern
                                     pected souvenir from the time   appropriate
                                                                                        of holes and tears. A short
                                     my native country -the    Night was falling and a long   expedition through the room
                                                               nocturnal bus ride back to
                                     Netherlands- 	                                     and the bathroom learned that I
                                     Indonesia.                Surabaya was looming.    wasn't going to be the only inha-
                                                               In cheerful anticipation I ente-  bitant. Hundreds of mosquitoes
                                     The hotel was situated on   red the hotel's lobby. It was a   came to greet me happily buz-
                                     Pamekasans central square. A   large empty space, occupied by   zing and promised, regarding
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