Page 47 - DIVA_7_2004_No.16
P. 47

audience gazed in high expec-  only hummed along. The song
          tation; a spectacular perfor-  went on for many verses and
          mance must have been promi-  when it finally came to an end
          sed. Meanwhile, I was per-  the old man, with pride in his
          plexed. My subconscious was   shining eyes, looked around the
          working at top-speed. Scary   room. His performance was
          images from my childhood   rewarded with appreciative
          came to mind -singing lessons   murmur and even a single,
          in elementary school! Still, this   although very modest, clap.
          song was lurking somewhere in
          the dark oblivion of a gladly for-  Again the old man turned to me
          gotten youth. 'Of course you   and asked, as if it were the last
          know Op de blanke top der dui-  desire in his life: "Do we now
          nen, said the old man. "Every   sing the Wilhelmus together?"
          good Dutch boy knows that   (The Dutch national anthem.) I
          song', he pressed. The adjecti-  looked for a deep hole in the
          ve 'good" probably explained   floor to sink into, but there was
          why I didn't remember the   no escape. It had to be. There,
          lyrics, I thought. Anyway, it was   in a steaming hot dilapidated
          obvious that the mans notion   hotel in an insignificant town on
          of time had not kept pace with   an island far from the beaten
          the worlds development over   track in Indonesia, I was singing
          the last fifty years. To confess   the Dutch national anthem. I
          that I did not know more than   felt rather uneasy and glad that
          the first strophe of the song   none of my friends and relati-
          would be sort of embarrassing   ves could see me in this ridicu-
          and certainly disappointing to   lous, if not slightly compromi-
          the old man and his friends.   sing, situation.
          In a feeble voice and with a   Fortunately the man only knew
          greasy accent the nostalgic old   the first four of all seventeen
          man commenced to sing. I was   verses. Which, as a matter of
          praying for just a spark of   fact, beat me by three! After the
          remembrance, but it did not   last note he thanked me with
          come. The audience smiled   tears of joy in his eyes.
          benevolently and was appa-
          rently sincerely interested. The   The show was over, the audien-
          television seemed to be forgot-  ce went home quietly. I went
          ten; this was real entertain-  back to my room and it wasn't
          ment! The old man now sang at   long before the noise of my sno-
          the top of his voice, he straigh-  ring blended harmoniously with
          tened his back and seemed for   the sound of the slowly revol-
          the moment to be catapulted   ving fans and the mosquitoes
          back into a happy childhood.   feasting on my blood.
          He didn't even notice that I
          hardly joined in, that in fact I   © Marcel Malherbe 2004
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