Page 45 - DIVA_7_2004_No.16
P. 45
the state of the bed-sheet, a
restless and painful night. The
mandi-basin in the bathroom
was filled with rust-colored
water; each time I scooped out
some water the long algae on
the bottom swayed in a graceful
rhythm. At least the water was
cool and, after a long hot day,
that was quite a relief.
Evening came - the next day
would be an early start - and so
I soon went to bed. The room
had two tiny windows high on
the wall; so whatever cool air
there could be had to be provi-
ded by the fans, slowly wobbling
from the ceiling. The wobbling
was so strong that I feared the
propellers would come down
like meat-grinders the moment I
dared to increase their speed.
The mosquitoes playfully buz-
zing in the gentle breeze from
the fans waited for the moment
of stillness under the bed sheet
to begin their nocturnal feast-
meal. For just a few moments it
was still indeed.
With a shock I sat upright in
bed. My budding dream was
shattered by a deafening noise.
7.2004 Diva 43