Page 48 - DIVA_7_2004_No.16
P. 48

)Vhat exactly did Jean Calvin do for Geneva?

                                                               he was obliged to make a big   wise. Calvin imposed his inter-
                                                               detour via Geneva. The leader of   pretation of the reformed religion
                                                               the Protestant reform in Geneva,   on the people of Geneva with
                                                               Guillaume Farel, hastily recrui-  total intransigence. Those who
                                                               ted the twenty-six year old   insisted in standing in his way
                                                               Calvin as an unwilling and   were hung, drawn and quartered
                                                               unpaid preacher. He soon came   or burned at the stake-the lucky
                                                               to be called a "predicateur" and   ones were garrotted first!
                                                               before long a pastor'. His col-  Nevertheless, Calvin continued
                                                               leagues immediately recognized   to enjoy the support of the politi-
                                                               Calvin as a Protestant leader of   cal authorities and the majority
                                                               immense significance. He was   of the population. With the gran-
                                                               never ordained as a priest; he   ting of citizenship to large num-
                                                               became a pastor because this was   bers of religious refugees, the
                                                               clearly what he did best. Calvin's   new doctrine was finally made
                                                               strong influence soon became   secure. Although he was in theo-
                                                               evident when he wrote a plan for   ry only responsible for religious
                                                               compulsory education and pro-  affairs, Calvin was also consul-
                                                               posed close moral supervision of   ted on matters great and small in
                                                               the city's inhabitants. Moral gui-  the running of the city: law, poli-
                                                               delines had existed in Geneva for   ce, economy, trade, manufacture,
                                                               a long time, but had never been   foreign diplomacy, sanitation.
                                                               enforced. Calvin stated that any
                                                               person not observing the strict   In 1559 he founded an academy
                                                               moral code would be excommu-  that became the intellectual cent-
                                                               nicated and expelled from the   re of Calvinism for many years to
            Jean Calvin was born in Picardy,   It was at this point that Calvin   city. Each person was required to   come. The doctrines and practi-
            Northern France, and educated in   stepped on to the stage. In 1534   make a public declaration of his   ces of reformed churches are
            Paris and Orleans, where he gra-  he had written a book entitled   or her faith.   based on his writings on theolo-
            duated as a lawyer. As a young   The institutes of Christian                gical ideas, patterns of worship,
            man in the early 1530s in Paris   Religion, which was immediate-  But the people of Geneva had   church organization and moral
            Calvin was introduced to the   ly recognized as a superb sum-  difficulty accepting that Farel   discipline, and these later beca-
            ideas of humanism and the   mary of how the new form of  and Calvin-both Frenchmen-  me associated with Presbyterian
            reforms of Martin Luther. He   worship should be carried out.   should have such power over   groups, among them the Quakers
            converted to the Protestant form   The two central ideas are sprea-  them. Matters came to a head at   and the Mormons. Alongside
            of Christianity in 1533 when he   ding the word of God and moral   Easter 1538 when Farel and   these activities, Calvin's writings
            was 24 years old and quickly   supervision, and these would   Calvin were expelled by the   contain important social, politi-
            assumed intellectual leadership   guide all of Calvin's later work.   mob.   cal and economic ideas.
            of the movement in Paris.   This book would be expanded in   Calvin became a pastor in
                                     several editions over the next   Strasbourg and lived there happi-  Throughout his adult life, Calvin
            The sixteenth century was a time   twenty-five years.   ly for three years; he even got   suffered from poor health: kid-
            of great religious turmoil. Until                  married-to a widow who already   ney stones, haemorrhoids, gout,
            that time Christianity had existed   Meanwhile, in Geneva, during   had two children!   but particularly long periods of
            in western Europe only as the   the early 1530s political revolt            migraine. This perhaps explains
            Catholic doctrine governed from   and religious reform had become   In the meantime political and   his reputation for irascibility! He
            Rome. While the religious hie-  inseparable as the city tried   religious chaos had taken over in   ate sparingly and dressed in sim-
            rarchy was often corrupt and   desperately to achieve its inde-  Geneva and Calvin was officially   ple robes. He slept little but was
            priests ignorant and ill-educated,   pendence from the Duke of  invited several times to return as   capable of extraordinary intellec-
            attempts at reform were blocked   Savoy. Both the civil authorities   head of the reformed church.  tual effort; he had a most retenti-
            and all those who tried to intro-  and the religious authorities used   After a long hesitation, he reluc-  ve memory combined with keen
            duce change were persecuted. On   Protestantism to give legal justi-  tantly agreed to do so and arrived   powers of observation. When he
            31 October 1517, the German   fication to the city's autonomy.   in Geneva on 13 September   was well, it is estimated that he
            monk Martin Luther denounced   Religion was reduced to its bare   154 1. He began preaching exact-  gave 286 sermons in French and
            a number of dubious practices. In   essentials: all decoration was   ly where he had left off in 1538.   186 lectures in Latin every year!
            1529 several German princes   removed from churches; all   He was now determined to intro-  His fragile body could not sup-
            "protested" in favour of Luther's   Catholic ceremony and ritual   duce his whole scheme for orga-  port these incessant labours. In
            reforms and the "Protestant"   were excluded from religious   nizing church affairs.   the late winter of 1564 he fell ill
            Reformation of Christianity then   services.                                and died on 27 May just short of
            broke away from Catholicism in                     This was a time of religious into-  his 55th birthday. He was buried
            Northern Europe. However, by   But Calvin knew none of this   lerance throughout Europe, when   the next day in a common ceme-
            the 1540s Luther's reforms had   because he did not enter the city   "heretics" were put to death. The   tery on Plainpalais after a simple
            begun to lose their momentum   until July 1536. He had set out on   Catholic religion demanded total   ceremony. The actual grave can
            and the Catholic Church was   a journey from Paris to  fidelity and any dissenters were   no longer be identified.
            making a comeback.       Strasbourg, but there was a war   executed as cruelly as possible;
                                     going on in Eastern France and   the Protestant religion did like-   HAYWARD BEYWOOD
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