Page 46 - DIVA_7_2004_No.16
P. 46

It sounded like ten men yelling   complaints about the noise in a   man. His kind and friendly   It occurred to me that he was
            through megaphones, shouting   very clear language. This was   smile uncovered a single tooth,   referring to Queen Wilhelmina,
            over an orchestra playing at full   not appreciated. Very likely all   as a solitary tree in an eroded   who stepped down from the
            volume. And it sounded very   those men came to this place   landscape. 'You are Dutch', he   throne in 1948. In a solemn
            near. I jumped into my trousers   to be rid from the clear langua-  established. Then he bent   voice the man now addressed
            and pulled open the door.   ge of their own women. Before   down and pulled out the power-  his friends in the lobby. It was a
            There, in the sparsely lit lobby a   returning to her room the   plug. The result was a soft mur-  long monologue in Madurese,
            group of elderly Madurese men   woman looked at me as if to   muring in the lobby, it was one   in which the word belanda
            sat slurping coffee while wat-  say: "Why don't YOU do some-  more of surprise than annoyan-  (meaning Dutch) was recogni-
            ching TV. The device blasted   thing?"             ce. For a moment the silence   zable three times and the name
            out at full volume. Probably to   With my male pride challenged   pounded my ears. "I am so glad   Wilhelmina twice. The speech
            compensate for the quality of   like that, I decided to act.   to meet you, sir," the old man   didn't stir up much excitement.
            the image, which was so abo-  Colonial times may have been   said. "It has been too long ago   Suddenly the old man whispe-
            minable that it was almost   way past, but this situation   since I had the opportunity to   red in my ear, as if in a conspi-
            impossible to see what was   demanded a firm hand. On the   speak the Dutch language'. My   racy: "I want to ask you a favor.
            playing. The men watched in   way to the power-plug of the TV-  emotions made a 180-degree   Would you sing with me Op de
            silence. No one took any notice   set I made some rather   swing from anger to astonish-  blanke top der duinen? (This is
            of the hotel guest who gaped at   unfriendly remarks in my own   ment. "How is your queen   an almost-forgotten Dutch
            the scene in bewildered per-  language. Halfway there, my   doing', the man continued,   patriotic song, long ago compul-
            plexity. I took a few steps for-  path was blocked by a very old   ..she must be very old by now".   sory in every classroom.) The
            ward to attract their attention. A
            man detached himself from his
            chair and asked in a friendly
            manner if there would be any
            service to render. 'Yes, there is.
            If you would be so kind as to
            lower the volume so I can get
            some sleep', I said. He ponde-
            red over the request and finally
            announced that unfortunately
            he could not comply. The TV-set
            was old, in a poor condition
            and, besides, the knob to regu-
            late the volume had broken off
            years ago. The audience stared
            at my misfortune with deadpan
            indifference. The hotel clerk tur-
            ned around and returned to his
            chair. I went back to my room
            and tried to regain sleep, but it
            was no use.
            Then I heard a loud female
            voice. I went again to the lobby
            and saw an Indonesian woman,
            apparently staying in one of the
            other rooms, expressing her

            44  Diva  7.2004
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