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Labour            and                                 Tripartisrn

              Established   by  the  Treaty   of  1969,  presented  to   David   A.  to   expand   social  protection  "Labour   is   not  a  commodity,
              Versailles  in   1919,  with  the  Morse,  Director-General   of  for  all  workers.  freedom  of  expression   and  of
              aim   of  contributing   towards  the    International    Labour        associationare   essentialto   sus-
                                     Organization.            The  pem'ianent   secretariat  of  tained  progress,  poverky  any-
              universal    peace   based  on
              social    justice,    the                       the   TL0  is  based  in  Geneva,  where  constitutes   a   danger  for
              Intemational    Labour  Tripartism    in  Action  Switzerland.   It  is  represented  prospenty   everywhere."
              Organization   (ILO)   siuvived                 by Regional   offices   in Africa,
              the    disappearance   of   the  On  11   December  1969,  David  Asia  and   the   Atnericas   and  Approaching  its ninetieth  year,
                                     Morse  stated   "The  ILO   in  has   a presence  in  most  coun-  the   ILO  remains  in  the   van-
              Lcaguc   of  Nations.
                                     short  offered  the   world    an  tries  of  the  regions.  guard ofprotecting   and impro-
              Its   founders  were  convinced  alternative   to   social  strife:  it  ving  labour  conditions   and
              that  peace  depends   upon   the  provided   it  with   the  procedu-  Architect   of  peace  ensuring  respect  for  funda-
                                     res   and  techtfflques   of  bargai-            mental  human  rights  for  all
              social  well-being   of  all  peo-
                                     ning   and  negotiation   to  repla-  French  historian,   journalist,  workers   around  the  world.  Its
              ples,  and that itwas   necessary
              to  have   an   organisation  ce  violent   conflict   as   a   meal'i  politician  and  Socialist   minis-  assistance   takes   the   foim  of
              responsible   for   'mprovmg  of secuting   more  human  and  ter,   Albert   Thomas   (1878-  labour  rights   and   industrial
                                     dignified   conditions   of  work  1932)  was  above  all  a  remar-  relations,   counselling,   employ-
              labour  conditions   and   ensu-
              rmg  respect  for  fundamental  ...   its   tripariite   shucture  has  kable  man  of   action.  As  first  ment  promotion,   training   in
              human  rights.         also  enabled  it  to  broaden   the  Director   of  the   ILO,  he    is  small  business   development,
                                     scope  of  cooperation  between  remembered  as   an architect  of  pro)ect  management,   advice
              The ILO   is  based  on  the prm-  countries.   The  ILO   is  still   the  peace.   The   role   of   the  on   social  security,   workplace
              ciple,    set   forth    in    its  only   worldwide   organization  Organization   rapidly   grew   in  safety andworking  conditions,
              Constitution,   that there  can be  where  intemational   coopera-  irnpo  rtance thanks to his  crea-  the   compiling   and   dissemina-
              no  universal  and lasting  peace  tion  is the business not only  of  tive  enthusiasm.  tion   of  labour  statistics   and
              without  social justice.   It seeks  diplomats    and   government      workers'   education.
              to    promote   intemationally  representatives,  but also ofthe  The   ILO  became   the   place
              recognised   human   and  labour  representatives   of  employers  where    govemments,  Labour   Day  is   traditionally
              rights.   It  became  the   fu'st  and workers."  employers  and   trade   unions  celebrated  on   1   May  and   in
              United   Nations   specialized                  representatives   adopted  inter-  many  coiu'itries has become  m
              agency in 1946 and was awar-                    national  conventions:   in 1919,  officially  recognised  paid holi-
              ded  the  Nobel   Peace  Prize  on              on  hours  of  work   in  industy,  day.   In  a  show  of  solidarity
              its    fiftieth    anniversary   in             maternity   protection    and  workers   and their representati-
                                                              minimum   age   in  indushy;   in  ves    gather    in   parades   and
                                                              1927,   on   sickness   insurance  demonstrations   to  call   for
                                                              in  industty   and  agriculhire;   in  improving   labour  conditions
                                                              1930,  on  forced  labow.  and   ensuring  respect  for  fun-
                                                                                      damental  human  rights   for
                                                              With  bis   boundless   energy  workers   throughout  the  world.
                                                              and  a  deep   faith   in  the  urgen-
                                                              cy   of  his   mission,   Albert    ITA MARGUET
                                                              Thomas  was  constantly   in the
                                                              front  line  of  the   stniggle   for  Note:Acl<nowledgeinent     is
                                                              workers'   rights.   Until   his  ,crivcn   to   all  sources   used   iii
                                                              death  in  1932,  he  strove  with  preparation   of  tliis  text.   It  fol-
                                                              passion  to   make  the   ILO  an  lows  publisl'icd   ai'ticles  about
                                                              efficient   instnirnent   for  dura-  tlic  history   of  tlie  ILO   and  oii-
                                                              ble  universal   peace  based  on  gms   of   Labour   Day   (Ita
                                                              social justice.         Margzret,   2004  -  2007),  inclu-
                                                                                      ding  LNION   336,   May-Jme
                                                              Labour   and Workers    2004,  for  the  85th  mmiversaiy
                                                                                      year   of   tlie   Intci'national
                                                              The    Declaration    of  Laboui'   Oigariization.
                                                              Philadelphia   adopted   by  the
                                                              International    Laborir
                                                              Conference  at its  26th Session
                                                              on   10   May  1944  declares
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