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 LoUis HardInG           Cultural Ambassadors 2018

 somerset west, western cape
            A Cultural Ambassador is a Keller Williams associate who has been   Ambassadorship is a lifetime appointment—not an award. An Ambas-
 Initially he turned KW down, convinced that it was   his business built on his client relationships, but also   nominated by their peers and selected by the Region for being someone   sador honors the WI4C2TS in daily business and life – both inside and
 all 'smoke and mirrors', but after doing his own   grow personally.   who embodies, lives, and models the culture of our company at an   outside the Market Center
 due diligence,  louis Harding was excited to   "The whole KW model, system and culture are so   extraordinary level.
 move to KW.
 condusive to growth. I love helping others develop
 "The culture of KW was the final check for me   their skills and see them and their businesses grow."
 - I realised that people will 'have my back' and I
 loved the synergy with my own values."  louis Harding is excited to build on his 13 years of
 real estate experience and influence others to build
 Having had a 25 year career in the IT   a business within Keller Williams with little financial
 industry, the integration of KW's   layout.
 technology was another check for
 His real estate career crossed paths
 with two franchisors but louis found
 the area restrictions of traditional real
 estate franchisors frustrating since he
 was in business with a developer for
 lifestyle and retirement villages across
 the country. He not only wanted to grow

            l front to R:   Tracy Cerfonteyn (for Eben & Hanneleen Benade), Nazely Jones, Sue Kohn, Brenda Coetzee,
                        Evelyn van Eck, Anouschka lubbe, Christiaan Matthee, Veli Mfetane, Sandile Sibanda
            l back to R:   leon Kruyshaar, Norman Moodley, Stone Mabena, Michael Collyer, Jacques du Preez,
                        Roline Campher, Eric Jamneck, lorette Barnard

                         “Culture is the predetermined

                        way we agree we will treat
                        each other.”

                        Mo Anderson, VCoB

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