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aBraHaM sHreVe  MIDVALE (UT.)                                                                                                                                                                                                MIndseT

                                                            “PART OF THE REASON I

                                                          WANTED TO PUSH THIS BIG

                                                          GOAL WAS THAT I WANTED                                                         CLIMBING TO THE TOP OF
                                                                                                                                         WHILE YOU MAY NOT BE

                                                          TO MAKE SURE I’M LIVING                                                         EL CAPITAN ANY TIME

                                                                                                                                         SOON, YOU ARE SCALING
                                                           THE LIFE I’M COACHING. I                                                    UP MOUNTAINS EVERY DAY!

                                                       CHALLENGE PEOPLE TO SET A                                                       SHREVE’S CLIMB TO REACH
                                                                                                                                       USE THESE LESSONS FROM

                                                       GOAL THAT SITS jUST ON THE                                                      NEW HEIGHTS IN BUSINESS

                                                          OTHER SIDE OF WHAT THEY                                                             AND IN LIFE.

                                                        THINK THEY’RE CAPABLE OF.”                                                                 1

                                                                                                                                        Set a Big Goal with a clear

                                                        So, Shreve set out to create a   threatened Shreve’s training time.             objective. “Your goal should
                                                      training space in his office. He built   But he refused to let them interfere.       make you nervous.”
                                                      a five-station custom climbing simu- “My plan for training was so clear,”
                                                      lator that helped him build muscle,   he says. “It was easier for me to say
                                                      hone his technique and build endur-  ‘I can’t do that.’ Your clarity of plan                 2
                                                      ance. This is where he worked out in   will do much of the heavy lifting for
                                                      the early morning before his work   you.” Knowing when to say “no” is
                                                      as a coach began. “If I had not done   also a valuable skill, he says.             Commit to your goal and
                                                      that, I wouldn’t have been success-
                                                      ful,” he says. Training wasn’t easy. At   To the Top                              create an enviroment that
                                                      times it was repititous and boring   In June, Shreve climbed El                          supports it.
                                                      but understanding that consistency   Capitan with Florine. In October,
                                                      brings results over time, he pushed   he and his friend returned, hoping
                                                      on. He even persevered after injur-  to reach the summit in 24 hours.                        3
                                                      ing his elbow and knee. “I had some   When Shreve took over to lead the
                                                      terrible days, but I never missed one   ascent for the second half of the
                                                      training day,” he says.        route, it was dark outside, but his                   Seek out top experts
                                                                                     training and fitness kicked in. After
                                                      Shreve Defends His Training Time  33 hours of straight climbing, he               (mentors/coaches) to help
                                                      In business and in training, Shreve   reached the top of El Cap for a
                                                      believes a morning routine is   second time.                                       push you past the finish
                                                      crucial. In his coaching, he recom-  El Capitan may have been on
                                                      mends agents commit to lead-  Shreve’s bucket list, but he believes                line. Great people cannot
                                                      generating first thing, even if other   anything “cool enough” to do once,              succeed alone.
                                                     “emergencies” try to pull you away.   you should probably do again. Now,
                                                     “Lots of things feel urgent,” Shreve   he’s gearing up for a third ascent
                                                      says. “The secret in business is to be   of the cliff next year. This time, his
                                                      able to keep things in their lane.”  goal is to reach the top in under 12
                                                        Not a day passed without some   hours. To succeed, “We all need a
            El CAPITAN, Yosemite National Park        task or event popping up that   very clear objective,” Shreve says.
                 June / october 2017
             Images provided by Abraham Shreve
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