Page 103 - Dedication
P. 103

j- You forgot to make a wake-up call to me at 07.00 am.
       Now, I have missed the coach.

   k- The swimming pool attendant told me that sunbeds cannot
       be booked before breakfast.

   l- The meat in my meal is overcooked.
   m- I think my son has got a food poisoning.

Important tips for replying to a letter of complaint in
a perfect way:

   There are some important tips that everyone of the staff
members should be aware of. These tips help in dealing with the
problem which is included in the letter of complaint in a perfect
way, as indicated in the following points:

   a- When you are investigating into a letter of complaint, you
        have to be aware of:

    Who is complaining?
    Who will tackle the complaint?
    What is the proposed solution?
   b- A letter of complaint should be dealt with in serious way.
   c- A letter of complaint should not be taken personally.
   d- A prompt and satisfactory reply may save a customer. So,

        it is important to deal quickly with letters of complaint.

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