Page 132 - Dedication
P. 132

pleased to discuss this matter further" or "Let me know if you
have any further questions or concerns" can be included.

   s- Make a note about any attachments:

       If any extra documents will be attached to the
memorandum, e.g. tables, graphs, reports or findings, it is
important to make a note of this at the end e.g. "Reports are
attached" or "Kindly, check the attached files/reports" or "Please,
check the attached files/tables/findings".

   t- Review the memorandum carefully:

       Before sending the memorandum, it is important to
proofread it carefully by verifying that sentences are
grammatically correct, no spelling or punctuation mistake are
included, and that the content does make sense.

Types of memorandums:

       All different types of memorandums have the same basic
features that were discussed previously. Nevertheless,
memorandums vary and become different in types depending on
the goal they want to realise. Different forms of memorandums
include for instance confirmation memorandum, request
memorandum, report memorandum, suggestions memorandum,
and agreement memorandum, as indicated in the following

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