Page 12 - Improved +Example+Assessment+Report (LG Accrual) {FlipBook Test v1}_Neat (Online upload)
P. 12

Current Allocation Percentages (CAPs)

           Context to Profit, Owner’s Pay, Tax & OpEx Current Allocations

           Following on from our initial discussion and your provision of your Profit & Loss Account information, at this
           stage we have needed to make some assumptions in order to provide us with a starting point that we can work
           from at this juncture. There are a couple of issues which have governed the thought process at this time:

               (i)    A lack of clarity around the loan / credit card payments made in terms of the relative split between
                      anything ‘personal’ and anything that can be directly related to the business means that these costs
                      have been excluded fully at this inception point.

               (ii)   The level of rent and lease payments claimed and processed through the business currently – our
                      previous discussion noted that historically your accountant has managed to deduct all
                      accommodation expenses on the basis of your working from home. In my experience, this is unusual
                      to be able to make a full claim, and in checking the premise with other finance and accounting
                      professionals, the feedback I have received is that it is indeed unusual / ‘never occurs’ –
                      consequently, for the purposes of this review, these costs have been completely excluded until we
                      can gain more clarity around either how it is possible (‘allowable as an expense’) at this level, or that
                      a lower proportionate amount is agreed and claimed against the business with the balance being
                      considered a ‘personal’ cost

               (iii)   You have previously noted that your accountant has managed to create a scenario for you of a ‘zero
                      tax bill – nothing wrong with that – so I have continued on the premise of that being our starting

               (iv)   The figures provided as being processed through your accounting system reveal a loss in both years –
                      however, that may in fact be conditional upon the items above, and so for the time being, we have
                      assumed that Profit starts from ‘zero’.

               (v)    In light of the above, the exclusion of the loan / credit card payments and rent / lease payments has
                      meant that both years show a positive Net Operating Income – for the purposes of this exercise
                      currently, I have therefore assumed that all of this is allocated to your ‘Owner’s Pay’ – and from that
                      amount, you have then covered off the payments for loans, credit cards and rent / leases.

               (vi)   Additional clarity should be sought around all of the above points in order to create a scenario that
                      may be more actually representative of how the money is actually flowing through the business to
                      you personally, and how you in turn are able to record / nominate certain costs more precisely as
                      being ‘personal’ or ‘business’ related. There is no ‘problem’ with any of the above as such, but it
                      makes it far more difficult to create a solid plan built upon the facts of what is actually flowing
                      through and truly attributable to the business – all of which can be worked out successfully.

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