Page 41 - Research
P. 41
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
Level III Phase II
Project personnel are provided salaries or wages except for the plantilla personnel which will
receive honoraria. A full-time regular employee who is appointed as Project Leader or Member of the
research team for the whole duration of the project receives an honorarium in accordance with DBM
circular and guidelines on honoraria.
A duly accomplished Daily Time Record (DTR), certified by the Program Leader/Study Leader
shall be required as basis for the salary.
The honoraria of Program Leader/Project Leader/Co-Project Leader/Study Leader shall be
released monthly or quarterly upon submission of progress reports. Submission and acceptance of
terminal report is required for the final release of honoraria.
In case of two or more Project Leaders, they shall equally share the compensation.
B.2 Purchase of Supplies and Equipment
All office supplies and materials for the projects shall be purchased or withdrawn from the
Supply Office in accordance with the approved Requisition and Issue Voucher.
Purchase made for a single item amounting to P1, 000 or more requires the following:
a. Three canvasses of the material from different suppliers;
b. Property inspection report from the Supply Officer; and
c. Original copy of the dealer’s invoice showing the quantity, description of the articles, unit and
total value; and/or official receipts.
The Project Leader prepares a requisition based on the approved project’s budgetary
requirement submitted. The requisition contains the desired specifications of the equipment and the
quantity of the item. Purchase negotiation of the equipment is to be done by the Supply Officer.
The Supply Officer inspects all purchased equipment. A Memorandum Receipt (MR) shall be
issued to signify the Project Leader’s responsibility of the equipment received. Equipment purchased for
the project is considered property of the college and must be surrendered by the Project Leader upon
completion of the project. The Property Custodian is authorized to retrieve the equipment upon the
completion of the same or other appropriate applicable policy must be undertaken.
B.3 Transportation, Per Diems and Other Operating Expenses “Quality Education for Service” P a g e 41 | 72