Page 45 - Research
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Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
Level III Phase II
c. Project undertaken that lasts for three (3) months or less shall not be required to
submit a Progress Report, however a final/terminal report shall be accomplished in the
prescribed format that can be obtained from the Research Office (Appendix 7);
d. Project Leaders are required to submit at least five (5) copies of the final/ terminal
project outputs, a terminal report; and
f. The Research Council may recommend to the President to appoint another Project
Leader if the implementation of the project is unsatisfactorily implemented. If the project has to
be terminated, the Research Council reviews the circumstances to determine whether the
termination of the program is justifiable or not.
E. Procedure/Guidelines on the Extension of Research Study/Project Duration
(Excerpts from the JHCSC Research Manual)
The following conditions shall be observed in requesting for extension of time to finish
research study / project:
1. A research study/project may be given a grace period usually from one to six months from
the date of its expected completion;
2. The proponent should file a request for extension stating the reason/s for the delay of
project completion addressed to the Research Office monitoring the project;
3. If no additional funding is required, the Project Leader is allowed to use the unexpended
balance to implement the remaining activities of the project. He or she, however, is no
longer entitled to receive any compensation during the extension period; and
4. If additional funding is required, the request for extension shall be forwarded to the
Research Council for approval.
F. Procedure on Research Outputs Presentation
(Excerpts from the JHCSC Research Manual)
First Step. The researcher/s submit/s Research Funding Request Form to the Office of the
Research Director, together with the Letter of Intent addressed to the Office of the President, through
the Research Director. Supporting documents to be attached at this step are: “Quality Education for Service” P a g e 45 | 72