Page 103 - Extension
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                                      PROCESSING EXTENSION PROJECT OR PROGRAM                      Level III Phase 2
                                                    PROPOSAL/GRANT APPLICATION

                   Key Steps                    Responsible          Procedure                          Time-
                                                Person/Agency                                           frame
                                                All faculty and      As one of the core functions of    open
                             START              staff from the       the faculty and in consonance
                                                Different            to the mandates of the
                                                Schools/             institution, everyone (faculty
                                                Programs             and staff) is encourage to
                          Extension             (SAFES, SAS,         develop and conduct Extension
                       Project/Program          SET, STE, HRM,  Program/ Project within the
                       DEVELOPMENT              CRIM etc.)           “TABANGE” agenda.

                                                Faculty  and  staff  Projects and Proposal/s is/are
                                                and officials        prepared by proponent/s and to  3
                          Preparation of                             be signed:                         days
                            Extension                                a. as prepared by the
                         Project/Program                             proponent
                           PROPOSALS                                 b. as reviewed by the
                                                                       Extension Focal and
                                                                     c. Endorsed by Extension
                                                                       Coordinator (those proposals
                                                                       coming from campuses with
                                                                       their coordinators)

                                                Office    of   the  Proposals including checklist
                        ACCEPTANCE of           JHCSC                of requirements are submitted      1 day
                      Extension Program/        Community  and  and acknowledged by
                       Project Proposals        Extension            personnel from the office of the
                                                Services Unit        CES.
                                                                     Checklist in three (3) copies
                                                                      1.    Proposal/s attached with
                                                                        a letter of intent;
                                                                      2.    Need Assessment
                    B          A                                        Analysis Result/Report; and
                    .          .                                      3.    Workplan and
                                                                        Sustainability plan
                                                                      4.     Draft MOA for the

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