Page 107 - Extension
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                             MONITORING & EVALUATION OF EXTENSION PROGRAM,                         Level III Phase 2
                                               ACTIVITIES AND PROJECT

                       In assuring the effectivity and progress of the project, monitoring and evaluation
               comes  along  the  process.  Extension  services  implementers  shall  closely  monitor  the

               program/project.  Monitoring and Evaluation covers onset to offset of the different phases
               of the program/project implementation. This will be conducted every end of every quarter

               from the date of implementation. Upon the accomplishment of the training objective and
               agreement of both parties, termination of the project will mark the end of the project with

               the  presence  of  a  terminal  report.  Process  of  monitoring  and  evaluation  follows  the

               adopted standard flow:

              Key Steps                  Responsible               Procedure                           Time-
                                         Person/Agency                                                 frame
                      START              Program/Project           This     step    monitors     and
                                         Implementers (Team or  evaluates  readiness  of  all
                                         Individual  Faculty/Staff)  participants  to  implement  the
                                         and Officials             extension program/project.
                 MONITORING &
                 EVALUATION of                                     Checklist:
                 Extension Program /                                   1.  Availability of Resources
                  Project DURING                                       (Approved PRs, POs, etc)
                                                                       2.  Complete
                        PRE-                                           documentation       of     the
                 IMPLEMENTATION                                        consultative        meetings
                       PHASE                                           conducted, coordination etc;
                                                                       3.  Approved  Work  Plan;
                         A                                             and
                                                                       4. Monitoring             and
                                                                       Evaluation  Forms/Tools  to
                                                                       be  used  in  the  specified
                                                                       extension    program/project
                                                                       (e.g.               expected
                                                                       output/outcome       to    be
                                                                       monitored and the like)


                                         Implementer/s  (Faculty  Monitoring  and  Evaluation  is  within
                 MONITORING &            and staff and Students)  focused  on  carrying  out  of  the  program
                 EVALUATION of                                     approved activity plan to ensure  /project
                                                                   completion     and     successful  period
                Extension Program                                  delivery  of  quality  extension
                 / Project DURING                                  services to the community.


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