Page 102 - Racing Toward Judgement
P. 102
coming soon when no one will be able to dispel
that inner trumpet.
Along with the foreboding is "an ever increasing
awareness" of God's delivering power. A revelation of
coming judgments is simultaneously a revelation of
coming deliverance. Faith in God's acts of judgment
must correspond with faith in God's acts of deliverance:
"Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth
his secret unto his servants the prophets" (Amos 3:7
7. Special Plans for Believers
God enters into judgment with a society with special
plans and preparations for the safety of all believers.
Provisions for their safety are made before the first
blow of judgment is struck.
God's people are so dear to Him, He will change the
course of nature to save them. An array of calamities
may fall on this nation, but God will make a way of
escape as surely as He did for the Israelites at the Red
God will walk with His children through the fires of
judgment. As sorrows increase for the sinners, joys will
multiply for the righteous. We are about to "enter the
cloud," but in the storm, God's people will rest securely.
Those who have God's glory will be able to stand God's
gloom. Christ in the heart is the cure for the curse on
our land. Believers can predict their own deliverance.
Judgment then becomes our compass, showing the way
to eternal redemption.
For the Lord himself will be a wall of fire pro-
tecting them and all Jerusalem; he will be the glory
of the city. The Lord of Glory has sent me against
the nations that oppressed you, for he who harms
you sticks his finger in Jehovah's eye!
(Zechariah 2:5,8 LB)
that inner trumpet.
Along with the foreboding is "an ever increasing
awareness" of God's delivering power. A revelation of
coming judgments is simultaneously a revelation of
coming deliverance. Faith in God's acts of judgment
must correspond with faith in God's acts of deliverance:
"Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth
his secret unto his servants the prophets" (Amos 3:7
7. Special Plans for Believers
God enters into judgment with a society with special
plans and preparations for the safety of all believers.
Provisions for their safety are made before the first
blow of judgment is struck.
God's people are so dear to Him, He will change the
course of nature to save them. An array of calamities
may fall on this nation, but God will make a way of
escape as surely as He did for the Israelites at the Red
God will walk with His children through the fires of
judgment. As sorrows increase for the sinners, joys will
multiply for the righteous. We are about to "enter the
cloud," but in the storm, God's people will rest securely.
Those who have God's glory will be able to stand God's
gloom. Christ in the heart is the cure for the curse on
our land. Believers can predict their own deliverance.
Judgment then becomes our compass, showing the way
to eternal redemption.
For the Lord himself will be a wall of fire pro-
tecting them and all Jerusalem; he will be the glory
of the city. The Lord of Glory has sent me against
the nations that oppressed you, for he who harms
you sticks his finger in Jehovah's eye!
(Zechariah 2:5,8 LB)