Page 107 - Racing Toward Judgement
P. 107
ites—not a single death. All was peace and quiet. The
nation wept and mourned, suddenly caught up in a na-
tional crisis. But in that same sinful nation, an under-
ground of believers had received inside information!
They escaped—because that has always been God's
plan: to deliver His own from the wrath prepared for

At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank
thee, 0 Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because
thou hast hid these things from the wise and pru-
dent, and hast revealed them unto babes.
(Matthew 11:25 xjv)

3. Experts Confused
God has purposely confused the minds of brilliant
men who claim to be reading the future. They are blind
and helplessly bewildered. Those who trust in the god-
less advice and prophecies of economists, mystics, and
astrologers will lose their faith, their money, and possibly
their very lives. Their predictions are all a pack of lies,
revealing nothing at all about future events. They echo
only what God has already spoken by the mouth of His
God laughs at their proclamations and delights in ex-
posing their false messages. Those who try to warm
themselves by the fires of astrologers and horoscopers
will end up cold and naked. The wisdom of the world is
folly, and the false prophets arising today have not seen
a single ray of divine insight. No satanic prediction will
be fulfilled or verified by God's action. No! God will
turn their lies upon themselves, and will make them
laughing stocks among men.

Then tell them: You're getting the wrong im-
pression. I will fill everyone living in this land with
helpless bewilderment—from the king sitting on
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