Page 110 - Racing Toward Judgement
P. 110
7. Who Is Right?
Whom can you believe about the future? Who speaks
the truth? Who can be trusted with speaking the one
true message of warning and hope? Only the servants of
the Most High God who are filled with His glory and
who are not afraid to announce His message of judg-
ment. From thousands of God's servants and handmaid-
ens a message comes forth clear and succinct, verified by
the Holy Word and confirmed by the witness of the Spirit.

I will climb my watchtower now, and wait to see
what answer God will give to my complaint. And
the Lord said to me, "Write my answer on a bill-
board, large and clear, so that anyone can read it
at a glance and rush to tell the others. But these
things I plan won't happen right away. Slowly,
steadily, surely, the time approaches when the vi-
sion will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, do not de-
spair, for these things will surely come to pass. Just
be patient! They will not be overdue a single day!
(Habakkuk 2:1-3 LB)
8. The First Step in Preparing
The first step in preparing for the future is to tune in
to the right message. No child of God need accept a
message or a prophecy that strikes only fear in the
hearts of the Lord's chosen people. The loving Father
will not allow those who trust Him to be badgered and
beaten down by misdirected prophecies. The message of
doom and destruction is not aimed at trusting saints of
God. These terrible judgment messages that come
through His Word and by revelation are meant for the
children of darkness. God never condemns the right-
eous, only sinners. When God, by His servants and
prophets, sends forth a message of alarm and calamity,
trusting believers must never appropriate it to their
Jives. Those who do, and those who react, are con-
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