Page 113 - Racing Toward Judgement
P. 113
runaway appetites. How can we honestly tell our hearts
we want to be ready for the hard times that lie ahead
when we run out at every impulse and buy anything our
emotions covet? We continue to waste, to squander, to
go on buying sprees, to amass unneeded merchandise:
toys, gimmicks, clothes, and expensive hobbies.
We lavish too much affection and food on overstuffed
dogs and cats, while millions starve—and we claim to
care. We say we would like to be ready; we wait for
someone to tell us what to do and how to do it—but we
turn it off when sacrifice and self-denial are called for!
Clod has not promised to keep us in T-bone steaks and
Cadillacs. He has not promised to defend and protect
jet-set lifestyles. He has not promised to help you main-
tain all the projects and payments you have prescribed
for your little kingdom. No! A thousand times no! God
has promised to supply our needs. That may eventually
mean soybean burgers instead of hamburgers. That may
lead to a drastic change in lifestyle. It most certainly
means a return to simple, basic values.
Let your conversation be without covetousness;
and be content with such things as ye have: for he
hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.
(Hebrews 13:5KJv)

12. Settle for Less
Begin now to execute acts of sacrifice and self-denial.
Yes, that goes contrary to all the success preaching we
have all been fed in recent years. Those expensive years
will vanish! True believers will now gladly settle for less,
that they may give more. My God wants me to prosper
and be in health, but He has cleansed my concept of
true prosperity. I am truly prosperous only when I yield
over to the Lord everything I do not really need to be
fulfilled and happy. I look into the future and I see the
most difficult days the world has ever witnessed. I see a
world groping for just a little ray of hope. I see the un-
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