Page 111 - Racing Toward Judgement
P. 111
demned by hidden sin. They become bruised by the
message because they are standing in the line of fire.
These messages of coming calamity are like deadly ar-
rows shooting forth into the camp of the enemy. If you
get in the line of fire, the arrow will strike into the heart
and cause bleeding. Get out of the line of fire! Get off
the middle of the road. Run from the enemy's camp,
and get back to the safe shelter of the true believer. The
child of God, living in victory and overcoming with faith,
will always be able to hear with joy the message of
doom and tribulation. The more calamitous and lethal,
the more he rejoices—because he knows each calamity
is another open door into the redemption age.
You can be very sure that the evil man will not
go unpunished forever. And you can also be very
sure that God will rescue the children of the godly.
(Proverbs 11:21 LB)
9. Are You Afraid?
Are you afraid of the message you hear? Do you
choose to shrug it off, hoping for brighter days? Will
you discount the message by discounting the messenger?
Have you already closed your ears, determined to block
out any word of warning from any messenger of God?
How foolish! If God be with the messenger—if God
has spoken His word and delivered it through lips of
clay—then let every sincere believer go to that same
source in humility and contrition and ask the Father if
these things be so! God will not give you a serpent if
you ask for a fish. He will not give you a stone if you
ask for bread. The God who speaks forth His trumpet-
like warnings will confirm it fully to all who diligently
seek the truth. He who chooses to speak through a few
will confirm it to all. Try the spirits. Test every message
by the Word of God. Accept no prophecy from a per-
son who profits from his message. The truest test of all
message because they are standing in the line of fire.
These messages of coming calamity are like deadly ar-
rows shooting forth into the camp of the enemy. If you
get in the line of fire, the arrow will strike into the heart
and cause bleeding. Get out of the line of fire! Get off
the middle of the road. Run from the enemy's camp,
and get back to the safe shelter of the true believer. The
child of God, living in victory and overcoming with faith,
will always be able to hear with joy the message of
doom and tribulation. The more calamitous and lethal,
the more he rejoices—because he knows each calamity
is another open door into the redemption age.
You can be very sure that the evil man will not
go unpunished forever. And you can also be very
sure that God will rescue the children of the godly.
(Proverbs 11:21 LB)
9. Are You Afraid?
Are you afraid of the message you hear? Do you
choose to shrug it off, hoping for brighter days? Will
you discount the message by discounting the messenger?
Have you already closed your ears, determined to block
out any word of warning from any messenger of God?
How foolish! If God be with the messenger—if God
has spoken His word and delivered it through lips of
clay—then let every sincere believer go to that same
source in humility and contrition and ask the Father if
these things be so! God will not give you a serpent if
you ask for a fish. He will not give you a stone if you
ask for bread. The God who speaks forth His trumpet-
like warnings will confirm it fully to all who diligently
seek the truth. He who chooses to speak through a few
will confirm it to all. Try the spirits. Test every message
by the Word of God. Accept no prophecy from a per-
son who profits from his message. The truest test of all