Page 114 - Racing Toward Judgement
P. 114
raveling of society and hordes of hungry children. Then
I hear again the word prosperity. Suddenly I know our
Christian values have been distorted. Does God really
want me to be so full when so many are empty? So rich
when so many have nothing? Would God challenge me
to believe this so-called prosperity instead of challeng-
ing me to be content with such things as I have?

Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man
will come after me, let him deny himself, and take
up his cross, and follow me.
(Matthew 15:24 KJv)

13. Cut Loose From the l'yranny of "Things"
Let us stop all this glib talk about "getting ready"
until we are prepared to take drastic steps in getting
free. Look over your world and all you own or hope to
own. Then—emphatically, carefully, thoughtfully—cut
loose from it all. In your mind, watch it all go up in
smoke. In your spiritual mind, picture it all in ashes—
gone, destroyed, worthless. Then add up what you have
left! A redeemed soul! A heart anchored in God's rest!
Love and joy. The Word of God assuring sufficient
food and raiment. Angels camping all around you to
keep you from danger. The Holy Spirit comforting and
guiding. A Bible bursting with spiritual food. A glorious
storehouse filled with daily benefits. A hope of glory. A
home in God's world. Eternal life. The expectation of a
new world with no sorrow or pain. And best of all, the
24-hour-a-thy presence of Jesus—all the way to the
end of time!
These are the true values. This is true prosperity and
health! This is what God desires for us! The Word of
the Lord is clear: "Disengage yourself from the bond-
age of things. You are entering a period of terrible
warfare, and you must not be encumbered. Bring your
body and all its appetites under subjection. Having food
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