Page 119 - Racing Toward Judgement
P. 119
This is God's message to all true Jesus people: Make
your move now—shut all doors behind you; hide your-
self in Him. Get into the place of safety and protection
because the Lord is getting ready to punish sin and the
sinner. God has had it! This is it—move now!
3. Believe God for the Impossible—Now!
If your loved ones are ever going to be saved, it's
now or never. Time is running out! God has given us
many exact promises that we and "all our house" may
enter the ark of safety.
But too many of us today are not really concerned.
We have given up. We have time to watch hours and
hours of soap operas on TV—along with football
games, comedy shows, and late night movies—but no
time to enter the secret closet and intercede for loved
ones headed for hell.
God—shake us and wake us! Help us to get a "bur-
den." Help us to weep and pray—and then believe for
the seemingly impossible. We can witness miracles be-
fore Christ returns: ". . . with God, nothing shall be
impossible" (Luke 1:37 KJV).
4. Get Ready to Leave—Now!
Some accuse me of being too negative lately. I have
seen coming calamities—of judgment and persecu-
tion—and I've written much about it. I have been asked
by friends to ease up and preach more "hope and glad-
But, friends—what could be more hopeful or joyful
for true Christians than getting ready to leave? I'm re-
joicing and happy because I'm packed and ready to
Sure, I'm staying busy, occupying time until He comes.
But now I know we are working on a deadline. My val-
ues have changed. I intend to stay chin-deep in ministry
your move now—shut all doors behind you; hide your-
self in Him. Get into the place of safety and protection
because the Lord is getting ready to punish sin and the
sinner. God has had it! This is it—move now!
3. Believe God for the Impossible—Now!
If your loved ones are ever going to be saved, it's
now or never. Time is running out! God has given us
many exact promises that we and "all our house" may
enter the ark of safety.
But too many of us today are not really concerned.
We have given up. We have time to watch hours and
hours of soap operas on TV—along with football
games, comedy shows, and late night movies—but no
time to enter the secret closet and intercede for loved
ones headed for hell.
God—shake us and wake us! Help us to get a "bur-
den." Help us to weep and pray—and then believe for
the seemingly impossible. We can witness miracles be-
fore Christ returns: ". . . with God, nothing shall be
impossible" (Luke 1:37 KJV).
4. Get Ready to Leave—Now!
Some accuse me of being too negative lately. I have
seen coming calamities—of judgment and persecu-
tion—and I've written much about it. I have been asked
by friends to ease up and preach more "hope and glad-
But, friends—what could be more hopeful or joyful
for true Christians than getting ready to leave? I'm re-
joicing and happy because I'm packed and ready to
Sure, I'm staying busy, occupying time until He comes.
But now I know we are working on a deadline. My val-
ues have changed. I intend to stay chin-deep in ministry