Page 122 - Racing Toward Judgement
P. 122
You cannot hide from bad news or from calamity. The
Bible warns: "Woe to you for getting rich by evil means,
attempting to live beyond the reach of danger" (Habak-
kuk 2:9 LB).
David the Psalmist faced bad news head-on with
confidence in Almighty God. He said:
How dare you tell me, "Flee to the mountains
for safety," when I am trusting in the Lord? "Law
and order have collapsed," we are told. "What can
the righteous do but flee?" But the Lord is still in
his holy temple; he still rules from heaven. He
closely watches everything that happens here on
(Psalms ll:l,3,4LB)
Wake up, Christians! Get your eyes off the bad news.
Turn it all into rejoicing and praise—because God is
still on His throne and He is watching every move from
Heaven. And our Father still has everything under con-
trol. So what in the world are you afraid of?
7. Practice "Promise Thinking"
School yourself in God's promises of deliverance.
Learn what He promises to do for all who trust and
obey. Be not ignorant of the Word of hope. Faith corn-
eth by the hearing of these words of deliverance. Fear
will overcome the wicked because they go into judg-
ment ignorant of God's truth. God's people must pre-
pare to go into the hour of judgment saturated with
truth, fully persuaded that what He has promised, He is
able to perform. There is no way to prepare without
being fully clothed with the Word of promise. Read the
promises! Hide them in your heart! They will be your
source of strength in the crisis. God will respond to your
claim on His promises, but how can you claim any
Word you have not heard? The promises are for you.
They are for your family. They are given for your hope,
Bible warns: "Woe to you for getting rich by evil means,
attempting to live beyond the reach of danger" (Habak-
kuk 2:9 LB).
David the Psalmist faced bad news head-on with
confidence in Almighty God. He said:
How dare you tell me, "Flee to the mountains
for safety," when I am trusting in the Lord? "Law
and order have collapsed," we are told. "What can
the righteous do but flee?" But the Lord is still in
his holy temple; he still rules from heaven. He
closely watches everything that happens here on
(Psalms ll:l,3,4LB)
Wake up, Christians! Get your eyes off the bad news.
Turn it all into rejoicing and praise—because God is
still on His throne and He is watching every move from
Heaven. And our Father still has everything under con-
trol. So what in the world are you afraid of?
7. Practice "Promise Thinking"
School yourself in God's promises of deliverance.
Learn what He promises to do for all who trust and
obey. Be not ignorant of the Word of hope. Faith corn-
eth by the hearing of these words of deliverance. Fear
will overcome the wicked because they go into judg-
ment ignorant of God's truth. God's people must pre-
pare to go into the hour of judgment saturated with
truth, fully persuaded that what He has promised, He is
able to perform. There is no way to prepare without
being fully clothed with the Word of promise. Read the
promises! Hide them in your heart! They will be your
source of strength in the crisis. God will respond to your
claim on His promises, but how can you claim any
Word you have not heard? The promises are for you.
They are for your family. They are given for your hope,