Page 123 - Racing Toward Judgement
P. 123
your protection, your assurance. Think often now on
His promises. Rid your mind of schemes, plans, fears,
and personal dreams—and fill it with truth. This will
set your mind and heart free—free to face the future
judgments with confidence and great peace.
Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and
precious promises: that by these ye might be par-
takers of the divine nature, having escaped the cor-
ruption that is in the world through lust.
(2 Peter 1:4KJv)
8. Expect to Be Delivered
Exercise faith for deliverance from God's wrath. It is
not contrary to God's Word to convince yourself that
God has a promise of deliverance from all calamities for
you and your family. Instead, His revealed Word is an
eternal testimony of how He delivered all who trusted in
Him throughout all past generations. Plan to be deliv-
ered. Plan, by faith, to ride out every storm in the shel-
ter of His wings. While thousands around you may per-
ish in judgment, you can survive on faith! All your
puny preparations offer no guarantee against calamity.
All the child of God has or needs is a contract against
calamity. All the child of God has or needs is a contract
of faith. That contract is binding—when it is sealed
with faith!
Oh, how great is your goodness to those who
publicly declare that you will rescue them. For you
have stored up great blessings for those who trust
and reverence you.
(Psalms 31:19 La)
Begin now praying a prayer of faith for deliverance.
Pray with confidence that God will cause His protecting
angels to become your guards. Pray for His angelic
hosts to encamp round about you as you go to and fro.
Pray for His loving protection on your loved ones at
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