Page 116 - Racing Toward Judgement
P. 116
the midst of all darkness, life in the time of dying, joy in
a time of weeping, calm in the midst of turmoil, shelter
from violence, immunity from all plagues, hosts of de-
livering angels, purity in a time of filthiness, an open
storehouse in the hour of shortages, an immovable
foundation rock when floods rage, a hiding place from
every storm, and a clear voice of direction when all
other voices become confused!
Promises! Promises! That is all. But that is every-
thing! Faith will feed on these promises, and faith will
overcome. Faith in God . . . faith in Christ
faith in His eternal Word: That is the path of deliver-
There is joy in God's camp. His children will march
on unafraid: evangelizing, preaching, singing, rejoicing,
filled with the Spirit—taking the Gospel into all the
world—aware of but oblivious to judgment!
Now I say that each believer should confess his
sins to God when he is aware of them, while there
is time to be forgiven. Judgment will not touch him
if he does.
(Psalms 32:6 LB)


Prepare to Meet God

1. Don't Be Caught Unaware
I had a very strange thing happen to me recently. It
happened in my bathroom while I was washing my face.
Suddenly out of nowhere came a still small voice: "Pre-
pare to meet God."
I started to argue with my own heart: "I am pre-
pared. I'm looking for the coming of Jesus—I expeci
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