Page 47 - Racing Toward Judgement
P. 47
7. The Commission on Critical Choices Warning
The Commission on Critical Choices for Americans
is a group of forty-two prominent Americans formed by
Nelson Rockefeller. It recently published twelve vol-
umes of studies and essays about national problems, at
a Cost of four million dollars. After four million dollars
and years of study, what have forty-two of our best
minds come up with? Ten pessimistic conclusions, as I
interpret their findings:
1. "Experts have been talking gibberish all along."
2. "All we can do is try to understand our confu-
3. "Our guideposts for social policy are schizo-
4. "Spending more and more money to alleviate
frustrations has gone too far."
5. "We are in a muddle about what to do concern-
ing crime."
6. "The world is now so insane even abnormal per-
sons are considered sane."
7. "No one can be sure he is sane and not a fool
whistling in the dark."
8. "There are now doubts about the worth of chil-
dren and the legitimacy of the family."
9. "A wave of antischool feeling shows our educa-
tional scheme is a failure."
10. "Hopes for education are overblown, and our
hopes of changing man by changing his environ-
ment are dying."
These men have no prescription for healing! Refus-
ing to accept the fact we are in a state of collapse, they
call it a "state of pause." We have handed the future of
this nation over to the eperts, and they have miserably
failed. Now they are forced to recognize that there is
evil as well as good. And that man needs a faith in
someone outside himself.
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