Page 10 - Parkinson 2018 Annual review
P. 10
Best Practice Health and Safety
We have maintained an excellent health and safety record with zero RIDDOR
incidents occurring in 2018. Key health and safety topics were discussed with
reportable accident our site teams throughout the year and at annual workshops. At the annual Site
and incident
rate Operative Workshops our Health and Safety Manager gave a presentation on
Environmental Working Group mental health in the workplace.
An Environmental Working Group has been formed to
support our environmental and sustainability company
objectives and to determine ways in which we can
reduce our impact on the environment.
Social Media
Whilst the group is still in its infancy, a number of
initiatives (listed below) are currently being trialled
and are ongoing. Throughout 2018 we have maintained our visibility and engagement on all of the company social
media accounts with Instagram seeing the largest follower increase of 150%.
› The first remote meeting has been held through the use of
Skype for Business Best Practice Groups
› A pallet recycling company has been engaged in the Each year we attend several
Lancashire region. best practice groups across our
operational region for our continuous
› To reduce plastic bottle consumption, all staff have been improvement and that of the
provided with a branded reusable water bottle. built environment. Most recently
in November 2018 as founding
members of the Working Well
Together (WWT) group, we assisted
the WWT to host a Safety Training
Meet the Buyer Events Expo for small builders. Attendees
could access free accredited training
We utilise Meet the Buyer events on key industry safety topics such
to network with our supply chain, New Technologies as Asbestos Awareness, Respiratory
increase our contacts and advise on iAuditor & iQuality PPE, Legalities, Abrasive Wheels and
forthcoming opportunities. During the preceding 12 months iPads have been issued Working at Height.
to our site management teams to allow them to use the
We have supported the following iAuditor and iQuality software to conduct their own site
Meet the Buyer events during the last audits. In line with continuous improvement and our
12 months:-
Integrated Management System, the iAuditor app now
› Constructionline North West includes an environmental audit.
Meet the Buyer
Virtual Reality Walkthrough
› YORHub Meet the Buyer To ensure of continuous improvement and adoption of
new technologies we have trialled the use of Halo software
to provide a virtual reality Building User Guide for the
Therapies Relocation project at Royal Lancaster Infirmary.
10 | Parkinson Annual Review 2018