Page 7 - Parkinson 2018 Annual review
P. 7
Oasis Faith & Spirituality Tatton Park Farm
Centre, UCLAN Historic repairs undertaken to 28 farm buildings
Demolition and new build extension to provide a and the new build of a multi-functional group
multi-faith centre to reflect and pray space building
£1.2 Million £900k
Radiology Department, Warehouse 3, Glasdon
Scarborough Hospital Construction of an extension to an existing
warehouse to provide a new production space
Replacement passenger lifts in the Radiology
£1.1 Million £1.3 Million
St Peter’s School Westfield Primary School
Construction of a new build maths and modern Refurbishment of the existing school kitchen and
foreign languages classroom block dining room
£3.1 Million £575k
St Vincent’s Catholic Primary Wetwang Primary School
School Construction of a new single storey extension to
provide additional teaching space
New build of a single storey extension to form
teaching spaces for year 2 pupils
£340k Photo © Ian S (cc-by-sa/2.0) £175k
Further information can be found on our website:
Parkinson Annual Review 2018 | 07