Page 11 - Parkinson 2018 Annual review
P. 11

Looking Forward to 2019

        Business Plan                                                                      Current Projects
        The company’s Business Plan for 2018-2019 was once again compiled with input from each employee
        and is the result of a detailed and systematic analysis of the company’s position supported by key long-
        term and short-term objectives.
        The key targets for the next 12 months are:-                                                                                Crewe Market Hall
             ›  Retain our Investor in People Gold accreditation following the audit in early 2019.
                                                                                                                                    Design and build of the redevelopment
             ›  Review the sub-contractor selection and appointment process.                                                        of the Grade II Listed market hall.
             ›  Management of the Integrated Management System and accreditations ISO 9001, ISO
             14001 and OHSAS 18001.                                                                                                 £2 million

             ›  To continually increase our Key Performance Indicator (KPI) scores.
             ›  Continuous improvement of the iQuality audits on sites.
             ›  Implement an innovative environmental initiative.
             ›  Ensure the objectives from the Social Value Report are completed with new initiatives
             introduced on a company-wide level.
                                                                                                                                    Carleton Crematorium

                                                                                                                                    Construction of a single storey
                                       Business Development Targets                                                                 extension and internal remodelling to
                                       Following the review of the Business Plan,  several                                          the existing crematorium.
                                       business development targets were established for 2019.
                                       The main aim will be to secure further key framework                                         £650k
                                       agreements and continue to diversify our geographical
                                       regions, sectors and clients.
                                       We will maintain market awareness for opportunities in
                                       existing and emerging sectors.
                                       We are  looking to utilise our current knowledge  of
                                       existing sectors and geographical areas to expand our                                        CT Scanner,
                                       business activity.
                                                                                                                                    Scunthorpe Hospital

                                                                                                                                    Construction of an extension to the
                                                                                                                                    hospital’s main building to provide a
        Secured Work                                                                                                                new CT scanner provision.
                                                             Secured: ...................82%
        The chart below illustrates our current              Under negotiation: .....8%
        percentage of secured work for 2019:-                                                                                       £1.1 million
                                                             Free: ........................10%

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