Page 8 - Parkinson 2018 Annual review
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Social Value
Throughout the year we have undertaken a wide range of social value initiatives focused on achieving Volunteering
our specific goals within our community, the environment, through our people and our marketplace. Following the introduction of a staff Volunteering
During 2018 a dedicated Social Value Steering Group was established consisting of 5 volunteered scheme, 2018 saw 100 hours of volunteering
employees who are responsible for implementing the company’s Social Value strategy as well as idea being completed through the following activities:-
generation, recording initiatives and monitoring progress.
› Marsh Green Primary School
This year we have achieved the following results:-
On what was possibly one of the hottest days
of the year, Parkinson employees volunteered
544 VALUE 3 TONNES OF CO2 SAVED THROUGH STAFF CYCLING TO WORK create a new path, poly tunnel and planters in
alongside NPS NW and Wigan Council to help
the school garden.
of staff time £38,000 INVESTED
utilised on social 21% INCREASE FROM 2017 › Lancashire Women’s Centre
value activities ACTVITIES charity
Our Accounts and HR teams
volunteered at the Blackpool base
of the Lancashire Women’s Centre
charity. Together they painted
100 HOURS the 1st floor resource room of
OF VOLUTEERING the centre which provides a safe
environment for women to discuss
COMPLETED wellbeing, employment and personal
Project Outcomes Tatton Park Farm, Knutsford
Achieving several social value targets was a key focus for the client, Cheshire East Council whilst on site at Tatton Park Farm. To ensure the following outcomes were realised, a dedicated social value plan
was implemented to track progress and achievements: -
› 3000 apprenticeship hours were utilised. › The ‘Field to Fork’ theme of the project was introduced
to local pupils at Manor Park Primary School who were
› A 7 week work experience placement was provided to a pupil from The Studio School in learning about farming and food production. To bring
the story to life, we engaged with the pupils through the
› £5630 was invested in creating social value activities. following:-
• gifted the sponsorship of a shire horse which visited the
› According to the LM3 calculation, for every £1 spent on this project £1.60 was invested back school.
into the local Cheshire economy.
• created a school allotment space to enable the pupils to
› 194 hours of staff hours were utilised for social value initiatives. plant and grow their own produce.
• sponsored two classes to visit Tatton Park Farm to show them the workings of a live farm.
08 | Parkinson Annual Review 20188 | Parkinson Annual Review 2018