Page 6 - Parkinson 2018 Annual review
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Completed Projects

          2018 saw us complete a number of projects within a wide variety of sectors including health, education, industrial, heritage and commercial. Listed below is a selection of the projects
          completed in 2018 throughout our operational area.

                                            Accident & Emergency                                                            Northfield School & Sports
                                            Department, York Hospital                                                       College

                                            Upgrade of the existing reception area to make it a                             Multi-phased redevelopment and refurbishment of
                                            more dementia friendly environment                                              the school including a new Year 7 teaching block
                                            £400k                                                                           £4 Million

                                            Ampleforth Surgery                                                              Marsh Green Primary
                                            Construction of a new wrap-around single storey
                                            extension                                                                       Construction of a new build teaching block
                                                                                                                            incorporating 10 new classrooms

                                            £650k                                                                           £1.9 Million

                                            Flixton House                                                                   Mesne Lea Primary School

                                            Refurbishment of a Grade II Listed multi-purpose                                New build of a single storey extension to provide
                                            event venue                                                                     a dedicated SEN Resource Unit

                                            £650k                                                                           £250k

                                                                                                                            Municipal Buildings, Phase 2
                                            Hyndburn Park Primary                                                           Remodelling and refurbishment of the first and
                                            School                                                                          second floor offices including external lift shaft
                                            Removal and replacement of existing roof coverings
                                            £510k                                                                           £1.3 Million

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